Biography 60

Mohammad Mahdi Majidi

Professor of Plant Genetic, Breeding and Biotechnology


Address: Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, 8415683111, Iran

E-Mail:  ,  Home page:

Phone:  Office: ++98 31 3391 3458     Fax: ++98 31 3391 2254     Cell: ++98 913 306 1172


Personal information:

  • Birth: Sep-01-1977, Golpayegan, Isfahan, Iran
  • Marital status: Married, one son
  • Language: Persian, English



Education beyond high school:

         B.S., Agronomy and Plant Breeding, 1999, Isfahan University of Technology

         M.S., Plant Breeding, 2001, Isfahan University of Technology

         Ph.D., Plant Breeding and Biotechnology, 2007, Isfahan University of Technology

         Visiting researcher, Molecular breeding, 2006-2007, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland

        Research professor, 2017-2018, Sequencing technology and RNA-seq, University of Guelph, Canada,





· Undergraduate:

           Genetics, Plant breeding, Statistic

· Graduate:

            Advanced plant breeding, Advanced statistic, Biometrical genetic


Position, experiences and administration


  • 2006-2007 Research assistant (Visiting fellow), Consequences of ex situ conservation on genetic diversity of meadow fescue using molecular markers. Agroscope. Zurich. Switzerland. (Collaboration with Prof. Beat Boller and Dr. Roland Kolliker).


  • 2007-2013 Assistant professor of genetic and plant breeding, College of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran


  • From 2013 Associate professor of genetic and plant breeding, College of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran


  • 2010-2012 Head of the Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan. Iran


  • 2012-2016 Vice Dean of Graduate students Affairs, College of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran
  • From 2017 Professor of genetic and plant breeding, College of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran
  • 2017 – 2018  Research professor, University of Guelph, Canada


  • Plant breeding projects in field and green houses, RNA-seq Technology and genotyping by sequencing (GBS), PCR and Molecular markers, Familiar with general and statistical computer softwares (SAS, SPSS, STATISTICA, NTSYS, Excel, Word, Power point)


Current Projects

My research focuses on Breeding and Biotechnology of Forage crops, Amenity grasses, Oil seed crops and some Medicinal plants using traditional, molecular, and genomic tools. My program will aim at developing new cultivars with increased yield, biotic and abiotic stress tolerance, and processing quality as follow:

I lead the grass breeding and genetics program in Isfahan University of Technology (IUT). We are focused on development of abiotic stress tolerant, high-yielding, and high-quality grass genotypes for diverse arid and semiarid environments with different applications (Forage, Turf and Sport). Germplasm enhancement, application of polycross and HS mating designs, application of genomics technology and appropriate breeding and selection schemes are integrated to strengthen long-term variety development efforts and accelerate genetic gain. Improvement root characteristic systems is one of the most important goals in our breeding programs.

I also lead the barley and safflower breeding program using Inter-specific hybridization at IUT. Our goal is to increase the genetic- and bio-diversity of cropping systems across arid and semi-arid states through the development of new cultivars and ecologically-rooted production practices. Within barley, wheat and safflower, we prepared a wide ranges of population through Inter-specific hybridization (Selfed and Back cross generations) for GWAS and mapping studies and breeding. General traits/systems of importance across the crops we study include drought tolerance, nutritional value, heat tolerance, resistance to some disease, intercropping and deficit irrigation.

Medicinal plants, we already developed some projects for breeding and germplasm improvement of Fennel, Cumin and Milk thistle using molecular and genomic tools as well as traditional breeding. General traits of importance across the crops we study include increasing essential oil and secondary metabolism, drought tolerance, resistance to some disease and deficit irrigation.

Research interest

Application of RNA-seq and genotyping by sequencing in plants, Half-sib matting and polycross breeding of open pollinated crops - Biodiversity, Genetic Resources and germplasm enhancement- Application of Biotechnology and molecular markers in plant breeding- Bioinformatics, Genomics and Proteomics



I.  Books:

Mirlohi, A., Majidi, M. M. and M. Esmailzadeh-Moghadam. 2013. Principle of plant breeding. Arkan-e Danesh Press (In Farsi).

Majidi,M.M., Hodaie,M.S. and Saeidnia, F. 2022. Advanced statistics and applied biometry.  Jahad-e Daneshgahi of Isfahan University of Technology Press (In Farsi).



II. International Journals:


  1. Mohammadi, M., Mirlohi, A., Majidi, M. M., Khedri, Z., & Rezaei, V. (2022). Generation means analysis of traits related to lodging using two crosses of durum× emmer wheat. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 69(3), 1107-1119.
  2. Saeidnia, F., Majidi, M. M., Dehghani, M. R., Saeidi, G., & Mirlohi, A. (2022). Drought tolerance and stability of native Iranian and foreign tall fescue genotypes: Comparison of AMMI and GGE biplot analyses. Agronomy Journal, 114(4), 2180-2185.
  3. Pirnajmedin, F., Majidi, M. M., Taleb, M. H., & Rostami, D. (2022). Genetic parameters and selection in full-sib families of tall fescue using best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) analysis. BMC Plant Biology, 22(1), 1-12.
  4. Saeidnia, F., Majidi, M. M., Mirlohi, A., Dehghani, M. R., & Hosseini, B. (2021). Yield stability of contrasting orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) genotypes over the years and water regimes. Euphytica, 217(7), 1-17.
  5. Majidi, M. M., Pirnajmedin, F., Vakili, Z., Shahidaval, S., & Hughes, N. (2021). Pollination system and deficit irrigation affect flavonolignan components of sylimarin, oil, and productivity of milk thistle. Crop Science, 61(4), 2651-2657.
  6. Pirnajmedin, F., Majidi, M. M., Taleb, M. H., & Mirmohammady Maibody, S. A. M. (2021). Half‐sib mating for inheritance analysis of post‐drought recovery and productivity related traits in tall fescue. Agronomy Journal, 113(3), 2314-2320.
  7. Hosseini, E., Majidi, M. M., Ehtemam, M. H., Ghanadian, M., & Huyghe, C. (2021). Variation in a worldwide collection of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare var. vulgare). Crop and Pasture Science, 72(12), 1008-1021.
  8. Khodaee, S. M. M., Hashemi, M., Mirlohi, A., Majidi, M. M., Sukumaran, S., Moghaddam, M. E., & Abdollahi, M. (2021). Root characteristics of an elite spring wheat panel under contrasting water treatments and their genome-wide association study. Rhizosphere, 19, 100413.
  9. Mohammadi, M., Mirlohi, A., Majidi, M. M., & Rabbani, A. (2021). Exploring the breeding potential of Iranian emmer wheats to increase durum wheat tolerance to drought. Plant Genetic Resources, 19(4), 363-374.
  10. Majidi, M. M., Shafiei-Koij, F., Pirnajmedin, F., Jami, M., & Radan, Z. (2021). Fatty acid profile, silymarin content and production properties of milk thistle (Silybum marianum) germplasm under different water environments. Crop and Pasture Science, 72(4), 302-310.
  11. Saeidnia, F., Majidi, M. M., Dehghani, M. R., Mirlohi, A., & Araghi, B. (2021). Multi environmental evaluation of persistence and drought tolerance in smooth bromegrass (Bromus inermis): genetic analysis for stability in combining ability. Crop and Pasture Science, 72(7), 565-574.
  12. Hosseini, B., Mosaddeghi, M. R., & Majidi, M. M. 2021. Rhizosphere Soil Quality of Different Cultivated and Wild Barley Genotypes as Evaluated Using Physical and Chemical Indicators. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 21(3): 2538-2550.
  13. Taleb, M.H., Majidi, M.M., Maybody, S.A.M. and Pirnajmedin, F. 2021. Variation in persistency, post-drought recovery and root characteristics in a tall fescue germplasm under interactive effects of exogenously applied salicylic acid and water stress. Plant Breeding. 140: 678-692.
  14. Hosseini, E.S., Majidi, M.M., Ehtemam, M.H. and Ghanadian, M. 2021. Genetic variability for phytochemical components in fennel genotypes. Crop Science. 61: 4081-4086.
  15. Saeidnia, F., Majidi, M.M., Mirlohi, A.F., Dehghani, M.R. Hosseini, B. 2021. Yield stability of contrasting orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) genotypes over the years and water regimes. Euphytica. 217:136
  16. Raherison, E., Majidi, M. M., Goessen, R., Hughes, N., Cuthbert, R., Knox, R., & Lukens, L. (2020). Evidence for the accumulation of nonsynonymous mutations and favorable pleiotropic alleles during wheat breeding. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, 10(11), 4001-4011.
  17. Barati, M., Majidi, M.M., Pirnajmedin, F., Mirlohi, A., Sarfaraz, D., and Osivand, A. 2020.  Drought Tolerance in Cultivated and Wild Barley Genotypes: The Role of Root System Characteristics.  J. Agr. Sci. Tech.  22(5): 1359-1370
  18. Raherison, E., Majidi, M.M., Goessen, R., Hughes,N., Cuthbert, R., Knox, R., Lukens, L. 2020. Evidence for the Accumulation of Nonsynonymous Mutations and Favorable Pleiotropic Alleles During Wheat Breeding. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, 10(11), 4001-4011.
  19. Saeidnia, F., Majidi, M.M. and Mirlohi. 2020. Marker-trait association analysis for drought tolerance in smooth bromegrass. BMC Plant Biology, 21: 116.
  20. Mohammadi, M., Mirlohi, A., Majidi, M.M., Soleimani, E. 2021. Emmer wheat as a source for trait improvement in durum wheat: a study of general and specific combining ability. Euphytica. 217: 64
  21. Abtahi, M., Majidi,M.M., Saeidnia,F., Bahrami, S., Mirlohi, A. 2019. Genetic and Physiological Aspects of Drought Tolerance in Smooth Bromegrass. Crop Science. 59: 2601-2607.
  22. Saeidnia, F., Majidi, M.M., Mirlohi, A., Spanani, S., Karami, Z., Abdollahi Bakhtiari, M. 2020.A genetic view on the role of prolonged drought stress and mating systems on post-drought recovery, persistence and drought memory of orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerats L.). Euphytica. 216.91.
  23. Saeidnia, F., Majidi, M.M., Abdollahi Bakhtiari, Mirlohi, A. 2020. Influence of water deficit and defoliation managements on post-drought recovery and persistence of smooth bromegrass. Agronomy Journal. 112: 4578-4586
  24. Barati M., Majidi, M. Safari, M.M., Mostafavi, F., Mirlohi, and Karami, Z. 2020. Comparative physiological attributes of cultivated and wild relatives of barley in response to different water environments. Agronomy Journal. 112: 36-43.
  25. Pirnajmedin, F. Majidi, M.M. Taleb, H., Saeidi, Gh., Shojaiefar, S. 2020. Genotypic-specific response to exogenous applied salicylic acid in tall fescue under different irrigation conditions. Crop Science. 60: 1123-1130.
  26. Pirnajmedin, F. Majidi, M.M. Taleb, H., Maibody, S.A.M., Saeidi, Gh. 2020. Amelioration of High Temperature Stress by Exogenously Applied Salicylic acid: Genotypic-Specific Response of Physiological Traits. Agronomy Journal. 112: 1573-1579.
  27. Pirnajmedin, F. Majidi, M.M. Barre, P., Kolliker, R. and Saeidi, Gh. 2020. Enhanced polycross breeding of tall fescue through marker based paternity identification and estimation of combining ability. Euphytica. 216: 139.
  28. Saeidnia, F., Majidi, M.M., Spanani, S., Abdollahi Bakhtiari, M., Karami, Z. and Hughes, N. 2020. Genotypic- specific responses caused by prolonged drought stress in smooth bromegrass (Bromus inermis): Interactions with mating systems. Plant Breeding. 139: 1029-1041.
  29. Spanani, S. Majidi, M.M., Saeidi, G., and Alaei, Rezaei, V. 2019. Wide hybridization and introgression breeding in safflower: Effectiveness of different selection methods. Plant Breeding: 138: 846–861.


  1. Abtahi, M., Majidi, M.M., Mirlohi, A. 2019. Genotype selection for physiological responses of drought tolerance using molecular markers in polycross hybrids of orchardgrass. Plant Breeding: 138:937–946.
  2. Arabbeigia, M., Arzania, A. and Majidi, M. M. 2019. Expression Profiles of P5CS and DREB2 Genes under Salt Stress in Aegilops cylindrical. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 2019,  66: 583–590
  3. Saeidnia, F., Majidi, M.M., Mirlohi, Bahrami, S. 2019. Inheritance and combining ability of persistence and drought recovery in smooth bromegrass (Bromus inermis L.). Euphytica. 215: 177.
  4. Spanani, S. Majidi, M.M., Saeidi,G., and Alaei. 2019. Physiological aspects of inter-specific gene introgression to improve drought tolerance in safflower. Euphytica. 215: 163.
  5. Shafiei-Koij, F., Majidi,M.M., Mirlohi, M.M., Saeidi, M.M., Barthet, V., and Eskini,S. 2019.  The Use of Wild Relatives of Safflower to Increase Genetic Diversity for Fatty Acid Composition and Drought Tolerance. Crop Science. 59: 2109-2118.
  6. Abdollahi Bakhtiari, M., Saeidnia, F., Majidi, M.M. and Mirlohi, A. 2019. Growth traits associated with drought survival, recovery and persistence of cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) under prolonged drought treatments. Crop and Pasture Science. 70: 85-94.
  7. Arabbeigia, M., Arzania, A., and Majidi, M.M. 2019. Expression Profiles of P5CS and DREB2 Genes. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology. 66: 583-590
  8. Shafiei, F., Mirlohi, A., Majidi, M.M., Saeidi, G., Eskini, S. 2019. Evaluating Selection Methods for Carthamus Interspecific Crosses under Different Water Conditions. Agronomy Journal. 111: 1592-1603.
  9. Abtahi, M., Majidi, M.M., Mirlohi, A., Saeidnia,F. 2018. Marker-based parental selection to improve performance of orchadgrass polycross populations under water deficit environments. Euphytica. 214:232
  10. Barati M., Majidi, M.M., Mostafavi, F., Mirlohi, A., Safari, M, and Karami, Z. 2018. Potential of Iranian Wild Barley (Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum) in Breeding for Drought Tolerance. Cereal Research Communications 46(4): 707–716
  11. Barati M., Majidi, M.M., Mostafavi, F., Mirlohi, A., Safari, M, and Karami, Z. 2018. Evaluation of Wild Barley Species as Possible Sources of Drought Tolerance for Arid Environments. Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization. 16(3): 209–217
  12. Abtahi, M., Majidi, M.M., Hosseini, B., Mirlohi, A., Araghi, B. and Hughes, N. 2018. Genetic variation in an orchardgrass population promises successful direct or indirect selection of superior drought tolerant genotypes. Plant Breeding. 137: 928-935.
  13. Spanani, S. Majidi, M.M. and Hughes, N. 2018. Genetics of Inbreeding Effects in Smooth Bromegrass. Crop Science. 58: 1899-1906.
  14. Pirnajmedin, F., Majidi, M.M., Saeidnia, F., Hoseini, B., Mirlohi, A. and Abdolahi, M. 2018. Genetics of post-drought recovery, persistence and summer dormancy in orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata). Crop and Pasture Science,  69, 1140–1149
  15. Abtahi, M., Majidi, M.M., Mirlohi, A., Saeidnia,F. 2018. Association analysis for seed yield, forage yield and traits related to drought tolerance in orchardgrass. Crop and Pasture Science, 69: 1150-1164
  16. Abtahi, M., Majidi, M.M., Mirlohi, A. 2017. Root characteristic system improve drought tolerance in orchardgrass. Plant Breeding. 136: 775-783.
  17. Saeidnia, F., Majidi, M.M., Mirlohi and Ahmadi, B. 2018. Physiological responses of drought tolerance in orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata) in association with persistence and summer dormancy. Crop and Pasture Science. 69: 515-526.
  18. Saeidnia, F., Majidi, M.M. and Mirlohi. 2017. Genetic Analysis of Stability in Poly-Crossed Populations of Orchardgrass. Crop science. 57: 28282-2836.
  19. Pirnajmedin, F, Majidi, M.M., Saeidi, G., Gheysari, Norbakhsh, V., and Radan, Z. 2017. Genetic analysis of root and physiological traits of tall fescue in association with drought stress conditions. Euphytica. 213:135
  20. Saeidnia, F., Majidi, M.M. and Mirlohi. 2017. Selection for High Yield, Combining Ability, and Stability in Smooth Bromegrass. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology. 19: 1405-1416.
  21. Sheikh-Mohamadi, M.H., Etemadi, N., Nikbakht, A., Farajpour, A., Arab, M., Majidi.  2017. Screening and Selection of Twenty Iranian Wheatgrass Genotypes for Tolerance to Salinity Stress during Seed Germination and Seedling Growth Stage. Hort Science 52(8):1125–1134
  22. Sheikh-Mohamadi, M.H., Etemadi, N., Nikbakht, A., Arab, M., Majidi, M.M. and Pessarakli, M. 2017. Antioxidant defence system and physiological responses of Iranian crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum L.) to drought and salinity stress. Acta Physiol Plant 39:245
  23. Pirnajmedin,F, Majidi, M.M., Saeidi, G., Gheysari, G. Volaire, F., Barre, F., Osivand, A.H and  Sarfaraz, D. 2017. Persistence, recovery and root traits of tall fescue genotypes with different flowering date under prolonged water stress. Euphytica. 213:269
  24. Majidi, M.M., Hoseini, B., Barati, M, Mirlohi, A. and Araghi, B. 2016. Simultaneous selection for seed and forage production in cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata): application of drought tolerance and susceptibility indices. Grass and Forage Science. 72: 441-453.
  25. Spanani, S. and Majidi, M.M. 2017. Magnitude of inbreeding depression and genetic variation analysis of agro-morphological traits in orchardgrass. Plant Breeding: 136: 261-269.
  26. Saeidnia, F., Majidi, M.M. and Mirlohi. 2017. Analysis of seed production and its association with forage production and agronomic traits in orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata) under different moisture conditions. Crop & Pasture Science, 68: 657-669.
  27. Saeidnia, F., Majidi, M.M., Mirlohi and Manafi M. 2017. Productivity, persistence and traits related to drought tolerance in smooth bromegrass. Plant Breeding: 136: 270-278.
  28. Saeidnia,F., Majidi, M.M. and Mirlohi A. 2016. Physiological and tolerance indices useful for selection drought tolerance in smooth bromegrass. Crop Science 57: 282-288.
  29. Ebrahimi, F., Majidi M.M., Arzani, A. Mohammadi-Nejad, GH. 2017. Association analysis of molecular markers with traits under drought stress in safflower. Crop & Pasture Science, 68: 167-175
  30. Rashidi, F., Majidi, M.M. and Pirboveiry, M. 2017. Response of different species of Brassica to water deficit. International Journal of Plant Production 11: 1-16.
  31. Nazari, M., Mirlohi, A. and Majidi, M.M. 2017. Effects of Drought Stress on Oil Characteristics of Carthamus Species. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society. 94:247–256.
  32. Gheysari, M. Sadeghi, S. H., Loescher, H.W., Amiri, S., Zareian, M.J., Majidi, M.M. Asgarinia,P. Payero, J. O. 2017. Comparison of deficit irrigation management strategies on root, plant growth and biomass productivity of silage maize. Agricultural Water Management 182 (2017) 126–138
  33. Amini, F., Mirlohi, A., Majidi, M. M. 2016. The Possibility of Use of AFLP Molecular Markers and Phenotypic Traits to Increase Forage Yield in Tall Fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) Breeding. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology. 18: 1419-1429.
  34. Pirnajmedin, F., M. M. Majidi, A. Gheysari, M. 2016. Survival and recovery of tall fescue genotypes:association with root characteristics and drought association with root characteristics and drought. Grass and Forage Science. 71: 632-640.
  35. Ebrahimi, F., Majidi M.M., Arzani, A. Mohammadi-Nejad, GH. 2016. Oil and seed yield stability in a worldwide collection of safflower under arid environments of Iran. Euphytica. 212: 131-144.
  36. Saeidnia,F., Majidi, M.M., Mirlohi A., Shahidaval, S. 2016. Selection for productivity, persistence and drought tolerance in orchardgrass. Euphytica. 212: 11-130.
  37. Majidi, M. M and Mirlohi, A. 2016. Impact of endophytic fungi on seed and seedling characteristics in tall and meadow fescues. International Journal of Plant Production 10: 469-478.
  38. Dehghani, M. R, Majidi, M.M., Mirlohi A., Saeidi, G. 2016. Study of genotype by environment interaction in tall fescue genotypes and their polycross progenies in Iran based on AMMI model analysis. Crop & Pasture Science, 67: 792–799
  39. Majidi, M. M., Bahrami, S., Abtahi, M., Mirlohi, A. and Araghi, B. 2016. Genetic analysis of seed related traits in smooth bromegrass (Bromus inermis) under well-watered and water-stressed conditions. Grass and Forage Science. 72: 163-173.
  40. Irani, S. Majid, M.M. and Mirlohi, A. 2016. Genetic variation for clonal propagation and trait association with field performance in sainfoin. Tropical Grasslands 4: 38−46
  41. Dehghani, M. R, Majidi, M.M., Mirlohi A., Saeidi, G. 2016. Integrating parametric and non-parametric measures to investigate genotype × environment interactions in tall fescue. Euphytica. 208:583–596
  42. Pirnajmedin, F., M. M. Majidi, A. Mirlohi, A. Noroozi. 2016. Application of EST-derived microsatellite markers for analysis of genetic variation in tall fescue and its comparison with morphological markers. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 65: 225-233.
  43. Barati M., Majidi, M.M., Mirlohi, A., Pirnajmodini, F. and Sharif-Moghaddam, N. 2015. Response of cultivated and wild barley germplasm to drought stress at different developmental stages. Crop Science. 55:2668–2681.
  44. Sharafi, Y., Majidi, M.M., Jafarzadeh, M, and Mirlohi, M. 2015. Multivariate analysis of genetic variation in winter rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) cultivars. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 17: 1319-1331.
  45. Irani, S. Majid, M.M. and Mirlohi, A., M. Karami and M. Zargar. 2015. Assessment of Drought Tolerance in Sainfoin: Physiological and Drought Tolerance Indices. Agronomy Journal, 107:1771–1781.
  46. Irani, S. Majid, M.M. and Mirlohi, A., M. Karami and M. Zargar. 2015. Response to Drought Stress in Sainfoin:Within and Among Ecotype Variation. Crop Science. 55:1868–1880.
  47. Irani, S. Majid, M.M. and Mirlohi,A. 2015. Half-sib Matting and Genetic Analysis of Agronomic, Morphological and Physiological Traits in Sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) Under Non stressed versus Water Deficit Conditions. Crop Science. 55: 123-135.
  48. Sharafi, Y., Majidi, M.M., Goli, A. and Rashidi, F. 2015. Oil Content and Fatty Acids Composition in Brassica Species. International Journal of Food properties. 18: 2145-2154.
  49. Zarabiyan, M. Majidi, M.M., 2015. Genetic diversity and relationships within and among Onobrychis species using molecular markers. Turkish Journal of Botany. 39: 681-692
  50. Majidi, M.M., Rashidi, F., Sharafi, Y., 2015. Physiological Traits Related to Drought Tolerance in Brassica. International Journal of Plant Production. 9(4): 541-560.
  51. Dehghani, M. R, Majidi, M.M., Saeidi, G., Mirlohi, A., Amiri, R, and Sorkhilalehloo, B. 2015. Application of GGE biplot to analyse stability of Iranian tall fescue (Lolium arundinaceum) genotypes. Crop and Pasture Science.  66: 963–972.
  52. Abbasi, Z, Majidi, M.M., Arzani, A., Rajabi, A., Mashayekhi, P. and J. Bocianowski. 2015. Association of SSR markers and morpho-physiological traits associated with salinity tolerance in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). Euphytica. 205: 785-797.
  53. Majidi, M.M., Hoseini, B., Abtahi, M., Mirlohi, A. and Araghi, B. 2015. Genetic analysis of seed related traits in Orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata) under normal and drought stress conditions. Euphytica. 203:409–420
  54. Majidi, M.M., Araghi, B. Barati, M. and Mirlohi, A. 2015. Polycross Genetic Analysis of Forage Yield and Related Traits in Dactylis glomerata. Crop Science. 55:203–210 (2015).
  55. Arabbeigi, M., Arzani, A., Majidi, M.M., Kani, R., Seyed-Tabatabaii, B.E. and Habibi, F. 2014. Salinity tolerance of Aegilops cylindrica genotypes collected from hyper-saline shores of Uremia Salt Lake using physiological traits and SSR markers. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 36: 2246-2251.
  56. Abbasi, Z, Arzani, A., Majidi, M.M. 2014. Evaluation of genetic diversity of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) crossing parents using agro-morphological traits and molecular markers. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology. 16: 1397-1411.
  57. Pirnajmedin, F., Majidi, M.M. and Gheysari, M. 2014. Root and physiological characteristics associated with drought tolerance in Iranian tall fescue. Euphytica. 202: 141-155.
  58. Majidi, M.M. and Zadhoush, S. 2014. Molecular and Morphological Variation in a World-Wide Collection of Safflower. Crop Science. 54: 2109-2119.
  59. Derakhshan, E. Majidi, M.M. Sharafi, Y and Mirlohi, A. 2014. Discrimination and genetic diversity of cultivated and wild safflowers (Carthamus spp.) using EST-microsatellite markers. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 54: 130-136
  60. Araghi, B., Barati, M., Majidi, M.M. and Mirlohi, A. 2014. Application of Half-Sib Mating for Genetic Analysis of Forage Yield and Related Traits in Bromus inermis. Euphytica.196: 25-34.
  61. Karim-Mojeni, H., Bazrafshan, A.H., Majidi, M.M. Torabian, SH., Rashidi, B. 2014. Effect of maternal nitrogen and drought stress on seed dormancy and germinability of Amaranthus retroflexus. Plant species biology. 29: 1-8.
  62. Zarabiyan, M., Majidi, M.M. and Ehtemam, M.H. 2013. Genetic diversity in a worldwide collection of sainfoin using morphological, anatomical and molecular markers. Crop Science. 53: 2483-2496.
  63. Amini, F., Majidi, M. M and Mirlohi, A. 2013. Genetic and genotype × environment interaction analysis for agronomical and some morphological traits in half-sib families of tall fescue. Crop Science. 53: 411-421.
  64. Etemadi, N., Mohammadinejad, R., Zamani, N. and Majidi, M.M. 2013. Effect of transplanting date and harvest method on growth and survival of three urban tree species in an arid climate. Arboriculture & urban forestry. 39: 211-217.
  65. Amiri, s., Karim-Mojenei, H., Majidi, M.M. and Bromand, A. 2013. Evaluation of post emergence herbicides to control weeds of newly planted sainfoin. Plant Knowledge Journal. 2: 145-149.
  66. Ebrahimiyan, M., Majidi, M.M. and Mirlohi, A. and Noroozi, A. 2013. Physiological traits related to drought tolerance in tall fescue. Euphytica. 190: 401-414.
  67. Ebrahimiyan, M., Majidi, M.M. and Mirlohi, A. 2012. Genotypic variation and selection of traits related to forage yield in tall fescue under irrigated and drought stress environments. Grass and Forage Science. 68: 59-71.
  68. Ebrahimiyan, M., Majidi, M.M. Mirlohi, A. and Gheysari, M. 2012. Drought tolerance indices in a tall fescue population and its polycross progenies. Crop and Pasture Science. 63(4) 360-369.  
  69. Dashti, H., Bihamta M.R., Shirani, H., Majidi, M.M.  2012. Genetic analysis of salt tolerance in vegetative stage in wheat (Triticum aestivum). Plant Omics Journal. 5: 19-21.
  70. Majidi, M.M and Barati, M. 2011.  Methods for breaking seed dormancy in one cultivated and two wild Onobrychis species. Seed Science and Technology. 39: 44-53.
  71. Amini, F., Mirlohi, A., Majidi, M. M., Shojaifar, S. and Kolliker R. 2011. Improved polycross breeding of tall fescue through marker based parental selection. Plant Breeding. 130: 701-707.
  72. Majidi, M. M., Tavakoli, V., Mirlohi, A. and Sabzalian, M. R. 2011. Wild safflower species (Carthamus Oxyacanthus Bieb.): A Possible Source of Drought Tolerance for Arid Environments. Australian Journal of Crop Sciences. 5(8): 1055-1063.
  73. Gharibi, Sh, Rahimmalek, M., Mirlohi, A. Majidi, M.M., Seyed tabatabaii, B.E. 2011. Assessment of genetic diversity in Achillea millefoliumsubsp. millefolium and Achillea millefolium subsp. elbursensis using morphological and ISSR markers. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research. 5: 2413-2423.
  74. Ghorbani, Z., Masoumi, A.A., Hemmat, A., Amiri Chayjan, R. and Majidi, M.M. 2011. Principle component modeling of energy consumption and physical-mechanical properties of alfalfa grind. Australian Journal of Crop Sciences. 5(8): 932-938.
  75. Majidi, M. M., A. F. Mirlohi. 2010. Genetic similarities among Iranian populations of Festuca, Lolium, Bromus and Agropyron using AFLP markers. Iranian Journal of Biotechnology. 8 (1): 16-23.
  76. Majidi, M. M., A. F. Mirlohi and F. Amini. 2009. Genetic variation, heritability and correlations of agro-morphological traits in tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.). Euphytica. 167: 323-331.
  77. Majidi, M.M., A.F. Mirlohi and B. E. Sayed-Tabatabaei. 2006. AFLP analyses of genetic variation in Iranian fescue accessions. Journal of Biological Science. 9 (10):1869-1876.


III. International conferences:

  1. Espanani, S., Majidi, M.M. Saeidi, G. and Alaei, H. The role of interspecies hybridization in genetic improvement of safflower. 3th international and 15th national Iranian crop science congress. Sep. 4-6, 2018, Karaj, Iran.
  2. Majidi, M.M., Goessen, R., Raherison, E., Hughes, N., Lukens, L. 2018. High-throuput transcriptome analysis (RNA-seq) for identifying the genetic bases for wheat improvement. 3th international and 15th national Iranian crop science congress. Sep. 4-6, 2018, Karaj, Iran.
  3. Majidi, M.M., Hughes, N., Raherison, E., Goessen, R., Lukens, L. 2018. Application of hyperspectral proximal sensing for high-throughput phenotyping in plant breeding: A case study in wheat. 3th international and 15th national Iranian crop science congress. Sep. 4-6, 2018, Karaj, Iran.
  4. Majidi, M. M., Barati, M. and Mirlohi, A. 2016. Wild Barley (Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum) as a Potential Source of Drought Tolerance Genes for Barley Improvement. Proc. of the 20th Eucarpia General Congress: Plant breeding, The Art of Bringing Science to Life. 29 Aug-1Sep, 2016. Zurich, Switzerland.
  5. Kiani, M., Gheisari, M.M., Mostafazadeh, B. and Majidi, M.M. 2013. Development of a crop coefficient model for sunflower to save water in arid region. 6th International Perspective on Water Resources & the Environment. Ismir. Turkey.
  6. Abbasi, Z., Arzani, A. and Majidi, M.M. 2012. Evaluation of sugarbeet monogerm O-type lines for salinity tolearance at vegetative stage. 8th Plant Science Student Conference. Germany.
  7. Amini, F., Mirlohi, A.F., Majidi, M.M., Shojaie Far, S. and Kolliker, R. 2010. Molecular and phenotypic marker based parental selection to improve forage yield of tall fescue populations. Proc. of the innovations in breeding methodology. March 15-17, 2010. Freising Weihenstephan, Germany.
  8. Gharibi, S., Rahimmalek, M., Mirlohi, A., Majidi, M.M., Sayed Tabatabaei, B.E. and Khorrami, K. Assessment of genetic variability among yarrow (Achillea millefoilum l.) populations based on inter simple sequence repeat. 2010. PP 54-55. 6th Conference on Aromatic and Medicinal Plants of Southeast European Countries (6th CMAPSEEC). Antalya. Turkey. April 18-22, 2010.
  9. Köllikerr, R., Bollerr B., Majidi M. M., Peter-Schmidr M. K. I., Bassin S., and Widmer F. 2007. Characterization and utilization of genetic resources for improvement and Management of grassland species. In: Yamada, T. and G. Spangenberg. Molecular breeding of forage and turf. PP 55-70. The Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on the Molecular Breeding of Forage and Turf.
  10. Majidi, M. M. and A. Mirlohi. 2008. Genetic similarities among Iranian populations of Festuca, Lolium, Bromus and Agropyron, using AFLP markers. In: Prohens, J. and M. L. Badenes(eds). Modern Variety breeding for present and future needs, P 175.  Proc. of the 18th EUCARPIA general congress.  Valencia, Spain
  11. Majidi, M.M. and A. Mirlohi. 2005. Effect of endophytic fungi on seed traits in tall fescue. Proc. of the 5th International Triticeae Symposium. June 6-10, 2005. Prague, Czech Republic.
  12. Majidi, M. M. and A. F. Mirlohi. 2004. Seed traits in fescue as affected by fungal endophyte (Neotyphodium spp). Proc. of the 4th international Iran and Russia conference "Agriculture and natural resources ". September, 8-10, 2004, Shahrekord , Iran.
  13.  Arzani, A. and Majidi, M. M. 2001.Germination response and seedling vigour of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.) seeds subjected to Ethyl methanesulfonat (EMS) treatmeant. Proc. of the 26th international seed testing congress, June 18-20, 2001. Angers, France.



IV. Farsi Journals (Selected):

  1.  Zeykani, M., Majidi, M.M., Barati, M., Osivand, A.H., and Sarfaraz, D. 2020. Identification of drought tolerant lines from interspecific hybridization in two different genetic backgrounds of wild barley under different water regimes. Journal of Crop Production and Processing. 10: 53-67. (In Farsi with English abstract).
  2. Pirnajmedin, F. Majidi, M.M. and Kiyani, R. 2013. Evaluation of forage yield and root characteristics of tall fescue Festuca arundinacea genotypes under drought stress. Journal of Plant Process and Function. 2:41-48. (In Farsi with english abstract).
  3. Majidi, M.M. and Mirlohi, A. 2012. Parent selection and progeny performance prediction based on EST-SSR markers compare with phenotypic selection in tall fescue. Modern Genetic. 27: 35-42. (In Farsi with english abstract).
  4. Hashemi, F., Shobbar, Z.S. and Majidi, M.M. 2011. Functional Analysis of OsVP1 Using Rice Mutant Lines. Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology. 4: 89-102. (In Farsi with english abstract).
  5. Majidi, M.M. 2011. Screening Canola germplasem for drought tolerance in germination and seedling growth stages using principal component analysis. Journal of Crop Production and Processing. 4: 41-51. (In Farsi with english abstract).
  6. Baghaiiniya, M., Majidi, M.M. and Mirlohi, A. 2011. Evaluation of Agro-morphological traits of sainfoin genotypes (Onobrychis viciifolia) with natural and induced genetic variability. Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science. 42: 695-704. (In Farsi with english abstract).
  7. Visipoor, A., Majidi, M.M., Mirlohi, A. 2011. Traits relationship in sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) under normal and water stress conditions. Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science. 42: 745-756. (In Farsi with english abstract).
  8. Majidi, M.M., Askariniya, P., Amini, F. Ebrahimiyan, M. and Mirlohi, A. 2011. Pattern analysis of genotype by environment interaction for forage yield in tall fescue using AMMI method. Iranian Journal of Rangelands and Forests Plant Breeding Research. 19: 134-152. (In Farsi with english abstract).
  9. Dadkhah, M., Majidi, M.M. and Mirlohi, A. 2011. Multivariate analysis of relationships among different characters in Iranian Sainfoin populations (Onobrichis viciifolia Scop.). Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science. 42: 349-357. (In Farsi with english abstract).
  10. Baghaiiniya, M., Majidi, M.M. and Mirlohi, A. 2011. Effects of induced mutation on general combining ability and association of traits in Sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop). Iranian Journal of Rangelands and Forests Plant Breeding Research. 18: 181-198. (In Farsi with english abstract).
  11. Mohammadi, R., Khayam-Nekoui, M., Majidi, M.M., and Mirlohi, A. 2010. Estimation of yield potential and genetic variation of Orchard grass genotypes (Dactylic glomerata). Electronic Journal of Crop Production. 3:139-158 (In Farsi with english abstract).
  12. Majidi, M.M. and Akbariyaan, A. 2010. Cytogenetic analysis of some onobrychis species in central region of Iran. Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science. 41: 707-717. (In Farsi with english abstract).
  13. Mohammadi, R., Majidi, M.M., Khayam-Nekoui, M. and Mirlohi, A. 2010. Genetic variation of clonally propagated tall wheat grass genotypes (Agropyron elongatum). Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science. 41:355-364. (In Farsi with english abstract).
  14. Majidi, M.M. 2010. Evaluation of seed yield and yield components in Iranian landraces and foreign varieties of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.). Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science. 41: 93-103. (In Farsi with english abstract).
  15. Majidi, M. M. 2010. Evaluation of genetic diversity in breeding genotypes of Sainfoin under salt condition. Iranian Journal of Field Crop Science.41:645-653. (In Farsi with english abstract).
  16. Majidi, M.M. 2010. Assessment of genetic diversity and relationships between seed traits in tall fescue populations using multivariate statistical analysis. Electronic Journal of Crop Production.2:135-148 (In Farsi with english abstract).
  17. Majidi, M.M., Jazayeri, M.R. and Mohammadinejad, G. 2010. Effect of salt stress on germination characters and some ions accumulation of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.) genotypes. Iranian journal of Rangelands and Forests plant Breeding Research. 17: 256-269. (In Farsi with english abstract).
  18. Majidi, M.M. and Arzani, A. 2010. Study of relationship between morphological, agronomic and qualitative traits in sainfoin populations (Onobrychis viciifolia). Journal of Plant Production. 16: 159-172. (In Farsi with english abstract).
  19. Majidi, M. M. 2009. Evaluation of seed yield and yield components in Iranian landraces and foreign varieties of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.). Electronic Journal of Crop Production. 2(4): 135-148. (In Farsi with english abstract).
  20. Majidi, M.M., A.F. Mirlohi. 2009. Multivariate statistical analysis in Iranian and foreign tall fescue germplasem. Journal of Science and Technology of Agriculture and natural Resources 12 (1): 77-92. (In Farsi with english abstract).
  21. Majidi, M.M., A.F. Mirlohi and .R. Mohammadi. 2009. Assessment of variation, correlation and genetic distance in tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb) accessions. Iranian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 40(1): 89-98. (In Farsi with english abstract).
  22. TohidiNejad, E., Korki, M., Mohamadinejad, G., Majidi, M.M. and Ahmadi-Afzadi, M. 2008. The effect of planting date and nitrogen levels on performance and essence of Matricaria (Matricaria chamomilla). Electronic Journal of Agriculture and Natural Rresources of Ggorgan. 1(1): 15-24. (In Farsi with english abstract).
  23. Majidi, M.M., A. F. Mirlohi and M.R. Sabzealian 2007. Path coefficient analysis of fescue seed yield and its components affected by fungal endophyte. Journal of Science and Technology of Agriculture and natural Resources (Iran). 11(3) : 177-188. (In Farsi with english abstract).
  24. Majidi, M.M. and A. F. Mirlohi. 2007. Effects of endophyte fungi on means and variances of seed yield and related traits in tall fescue. Journal of Science and Technology of Agriculture and natural Resources. 11 (1): 345-353. (In Farsi with english abstract).
  25. Majidi, M.M. and A. Arzani. 2004. Study of induced mutation via Ethyl Methan Sulfonat (EMS) in Sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.). Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Technology. 18(2): 167-180. (In Farsi with english abstract).