Journal Papers

15. H. Karimpour, M. Keshmiri, and M. Mahzoon, “Implementation of Orbital Attitude Control Laws on a Nonholonomic Platform”, Accepted for Publication in Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation.
14. S. Hadian Jazi, M. Keshmiri, F. Sheikholeslam, M. Ghobadi Shahreza, and M. Keshmiri “Dynamic Analysis and Control Synthesis of undesired Slippage of End-Effectors in a Cooperative Grasping”, Acc for pub. in J. of Adv Rob., Vol. 26 No. 13, Aug. 2012
13. M. Keshmiri, S. Hadian Jazi, F. Sheikholeslam, “Control of End-Effectors Undesired Slippage in a ‎Cooperating Manipulators System Manipulating an Object”, Accepted for publication in International Journal of Robotics.
12. M.R. Homayounzadeh and M. Keshmiri, “A Note on a Reduced-Order Observer Based Controller for a Class of Lipschitz Nonlinear Systems”, Accepted for publication in Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurements, and Control.
11. H. Karimpour, M. Mahzoon, and M. Keshmiri, “Exploring the Analogy for Adaptive Attitude Control of a Ground-based Satellite System”, Accepted for publication in Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics.

10. H. Karimpour, M. Keshmiri, and M. Mahzoon, “Stabilization of an Autonomous Rolling Sphere Navigating in a Labyrinth Arena: A Geometric Mechanics Perspective”, Systems and Control Letters, Vol. 61 No. 1, 2012, pp 495-505.

9. H. Homaei and M. Keshmiri, “Optimal Trajectory Planning for Minimum Vibration of Flexible Redundant Cooperative Manipulators”, Advanced Robotics, Vol. 23, 2009, pp. 1799–1816.

Optimal Trajectory Planning for Minimum Vibration of Flexible Redundant Cooperative Manipulators (Advanced Robotics).pdf

8. S. Hadian Jazi, M. Keshmiri, and F. Sheikholeslam, “Dynamic Analysis and Control Synthesis of Grasping and Slippage of an Object Manipulated by a Robot", Advanced Robotics, Vol. 22, 2008, pp. 1559–1584.

7. A. Hosseini, M. Keshmiri, and M.J. Sadigh, “Inverse Kinematic Resolution of a Redundant Cooperating robot using optimal control method”, Esteghlal (A Scientific Journal of Isfahan University of Technology -in Farsi), Vol. 26, No.1, 2007, pp. 221-232.

Kinematic resolution of cooperative (paper sent to esteghlal).pdf

6. M. Danesh, F. Sheikholeslam, and M. Keshmiri, “An Adaptive Manipulator Controller Based on Force and Parameter Estimation”, ICICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol. E89-a, No. 10, October 2006, pp 2803-2811.

An adaptive manipulator (IEICE journal).pdf

5. H. Homaei and M. Keshmiri, “Redundancy Resolution with Minimum Vibration for Flexible Redundant Manipulators”, WSEAS Transactions on Systems, Issue 1, Volume 5, January 2006, pp 299-304.

Redundancy resolution (wseas transactions of systems jan 2006).pdf

4. M. Danesh, F. Sheikholeslam, and M. Keshmiri, “External Force Disturbance Rejection in Robotic Arms; an Adaptive Approach”, ICICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol. E88-a, No. 10, October 2005, pp 2504-2513.

External Force Disturbance Rejection in Robotic Arms An Adaptive Approach (IEICE 2005).pdf

3. E. Azimi, M. Ghobadi, E. Tarkesh Esfahani, M. Keshmiri, and A. Fadaei Tehrani, “Three-Dimensional Smooth Trajectory Planning Using Realistic Simulation”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3276, Jan 2005, Pages 381 – 393.

Three-Dimensional Smooth Trajectory Planning Using Realistic Simulation (Springer 2005).pdf

2. M. Keshmiri and A. K. Misra, “A General Formulation for N-Body Tethered Sub-satellite Systems Dynamics”, The Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamic, Vol. 19, No.1, Jan-Feb. 1996, pp 75-83.

General formulation for N-body tethered satellite system dynamics.pdf

1. M. Keshmiri and A. K. Misra, “Effects of Aerodynamic Lift on the Stability of Tethered Sub-satellite Systems”, The Journal of the Astronautical Sciences, Vol. 42, No.3, July-Sept. 1994, pp 301-317.
