A. Ghojavand

Full name: Ali Ghojavand علی قجاوند
Grade Master in Solid State Physics
Time: Sep. 2017 - Mar. 2020
Research: Germanium based two dimesnioal nanostructures, Effect of point defects on the electronic properties of Ge
Method: Density functional theory + Optical spectroscopy
Packages: FHI-aims, Quantum-Espresso, Exciting, Wien2k
Publications: Ab initio analysis of structural and electronic properties and excitonic optical responses of eight Ge-based 2D materials, Ali Ghojavand, S. Javad Hashemifar, Mahdi Tarighi Ahmadpour, Alexander V. Shapeev, Amir Alhaji, and Qaem Hassanzada, Journal of Applied Physics 127, pages 214301 (8 pages), Jun. 2020


