Dr. Torbatian

Full name: Dr. Zahra Torbatian, دکتر زهرا تربتیان
Grade: PhD in condensed matter physics
Time: Sep. 2009 - Sep. 2014
Research: Adsorption of molecules on silver nanocluster, Magnetic anisotropy in rare earth compounds
Method: Full potential numeric atom centerd orbitals
Package: FHI-aims



First-principles insights into interaction of CO, NO and HCN with Ag8, Zahra Torbatian, S. Javad Hashemifar, Hadi Akbarzadeh, The Journal of Chemical Physics 140, pages 084314 (7 pages), Feb. 2014

Quantum mechanical investigation of CO, NO and HCN adsorption on Ag8 nanoclusters; (structural, electronic and topological properties), H. Akbarzadeh, Zahra Torbatian, S.J. Hashemifar, American Physical Society March meeting, February 27-March 2, 2012, Boston, Massachusetts, United States

