research title

Current Research

  1. 1. The effect of Salt and Melatonin on Growth and Physiology of Sweet pepper(supervisor).

    2. Comparison the Effect of Abrupt Low Temperature Stresses of Root and Shoot on the Recovery Rate of Vegetative and Physiological Traits of Tomato(supervisor).

    3. Capsicum The effect of melatonin application on the physiology and growth of sweet pepper (annuum L.) under salt stress (supervisor).

    4. The Effect of some Growth Enhancing factors on the Yield of the Mushroom and its Post-Harvest Life (supervisor).

    5. The Effect of Vehicle Exhaust Pollution on Some Morphological and Physiological Characteristics of Lettuce and Spinach (supervisor).

    6. Comparison the effect of short term and gradual drought and flooding stress on water relation and physiological change of sweet pepper(supervisor).

    7.  The Effect of Pine Wood Vinegar on Germination, Vegetative Growth and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Cucumber and Basil(supervisor).

    8. Comparison the effect of short low temperature low stress on root and shoot on the recovery rate of vegetative and physiological traits of tomato. (supervisor)

    9. Changes in K and Fe Release from Phlogopite in Alfalfa Rhizosphere Under Calcareous Conditions as Affected by OM Treatment(supervisor).

    10. ) under salinity stress (Citrus reticulata × Citrus limetta Effect of exogenous spermidine and nitric oxide on growth and gas exchange parameters in Iranian mandarin Bakraii (Co supervisor)

    11.  The Effect of Vehicle Exhaust Pollution on Some Morphological and Physiological Characteristics of Lettuce and Spinach(supervisor)

    12. The effect of different endemic rootstock of cucurbits on low temperature stress of grafted cucumber ‘Super daminos’(supervisor)

    13. The effect of short term temperature stress with H2O2 and CaCl2 on two pepper species (Hot and Bell pepper) in different growth stage(supervisor)

    14.  Effect of Salinity Stress on Iranian Melons (Cucumis melon) Iandvaces(supervisor)

    15.  A Comparison of Physiological Parameters and Expression of PSY Gene in Green and Yellow Bell Pepper, Affected by Salinity Stress(supervisor)

    16. The Effect of some Growth Enhancing factors on the Yield of the Mushroom and its Post-Harvest Life(supervisor)

    17.  The Effect of Root Zone Temperature on N Metabolism, Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Lettuce and Sweet Pepper in 3 N Withholding Levels in Early Growth Stage

    18. The effect of carbon nanotubes on the seed germination of four vegetable species

    19. Study the effect of TiO2 on seed germination of tomato, onion and radish

    20. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) could promote seed germination in three horticultural crops

    21. The effect of Si and Nano-Si on tomato production in salinity stress in hydroponics

    22. The effect of using super absorbent in media under deficit irrigation on the quantity and quality characteristics of tomato

    23. The effect of humic acid in nutrient solution on element absorbtion of lettuce

    24. The effect of Si and Nano- Si on germination and seedling growth of tomato under drought and salinity stress

    25. The effect of Ca spray under deficit irrigation regime on the quantity and quality characteristics of tomato. (supervisor)

    26. Study of absorbtion potential of Pb and Cd by ornamental kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala).( Co-supervisor )

    27. Effect of silicon nutrition on antioxidative response of two cucumber genotypes to salinity stress and cadmium toxicity. (Co-supervisor)

    28. The effect of salinity and cadmium on spinach growth. (Co-supervisor)

    29. Phytoremediation potentials of alkylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons of Isfahan refinery with some ornamental endemic plants. (Co-supervisor)

    30. Sisymbrium The potential of two endemic cultivars of irio in Zn, Cd, Pb remediation. (Co-supervisor)