Hekmat Hekmat

Evaluation of Growth and study the morph-physiological characteristics of some Iranian and Afghan melon accession under salinity for greenhouse production

Salinity is one of the most important environmental stresses that limits the yield of crops. Under salinity stress, osmotic stress due to limited water uptake from the soil and ionic toxicity, disrupts cell function and damages physiological processes, such as photosynthesis and respiration, which leads to reduced plant growth and development during different stages of growth. And reduces yield in the plant. Due to the increasing trend of saline lands, the identification of cultivars tolerant to salinity of Melon massifs is of great importance. Therefore, the effect of salinity on native Iranian and Afghan melons cultivars in a split plot in a completely randomized design with three replications to study the effect of irrigation water salinity on some physiological and morphological traits as well as growth and yield of Iranian and Afghan melons in the year Farming 1398-1399 was carried out in Lorek Research Farm affiliated to the Faculty of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology. Thirty-nine melon masses including Iranian and Afghan masses were considered as the first factor and two salinity levels including control level (without salt) and 8 dS / m of pure NaCl salt source as the second factor. Salinity stress ion leakage rate (17.67%), proline (28.29%), total antioxidant activity (7.78%), sodium ions (17.31%) increased compared to the control and chlorophyll fluorescence (13.51%), greenness (26.05%), relative leaf water content (9.79%) and leaf potassium concentration (22.81%) decreased compared to the control, also in the parameters related to fruit salinity caused an increase. Vitamin C (50.39%), organic acid (52.94%) and total soluble solids (18.41%) and reduced yield (25.17%), medium weight (11.33%), firmness (12.87%), length (17.02%), width (16.11%), internal cavity length (17.61%), internal cavity width (19.06%), meat thickness (12.99%) and Fruit skin thickness (12.93%) was higher than the control. In terms of seed salinity, it caused a decrease in length, diameter and weight of seed mass compared to the control. The results of biplot had a high positive correlation between vitamin C traits with soluble solids, proline and relative leaf water content, while they also had a negative correlation with chlorophyll fluorescence traits. Leaf sodium and potassium concentration traits had a very high positive correlation. Ion leakage and chlorophyll fluorescence were negatively correlated under stress conditions. Among the available cultivars Naki Johari, Hatchke Daroneh, Thickness, White Tanabi Sugar, Hatchke Inhari and Zangi due to high correlation with traits related to stress resistance including proline, soluble solids, relative leaf content and vitamin C, including cultivars tolerant of stress Salinity
