Comparison the Effect of Abrupt Low Temperature Stresses of Root and Shoot on the Recovery Rate of Vegetative and Physiological Traits of Tomato
In order to compare the effect of abrupt low temperature stresses of root and shoot on the recovery rate of vegetative and physiological traits of tomato research was conduct in two separate experiments under controlled environmental conditions in greenhouse of the Faculty of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology. The two experiments were factorial based on completely randomized design with 10 replications including two treatments of different concentrations of boron (0, 0.5, 1 and 1.5 in ppm) and two temperature levels of shoot and root sections (10 degrees Celsius temperature, and 11 rootstock temperatures and 22 ° C optimum and control temperatures). The results showed that after the recovery period, the highest amount of photosynthesis, root dry weight and dry weight of the aerial part were in the consumption of 0.5 ppm of boron during abrupt stresses of low temperature on the root. Also, the highest amount of stem proline and electrolyte leakage were obtained from 0.5-1.5 ppm of boron consumption during abrupt low temperature on the shoot part. It seems that the sudden low temperature stress of root and shoot had negatively affects on the rate of recovery of tomato vegetative and physiological traits, but when low temperatures were imposed on the airspace, the plant suffered much more damage that had its negative effects during the recovery period. Gave Also, consumption of 0.5 ppm of boron element during cold stress by creating optimal conditions for growth caused the relative neutralization of the effects of low temperature and plant to be maintained in a favorable condition So that after the recovery period, the plant was able to close itself to conditions before the cold stress.