Dr Hossein Edris

Isfahan University of Technology, Materials Dept.
+98 311 3915709
+98 311 3912752
Professor of Department of Materials Engineering
Research Interests
Materials Characterization
More Articles
Journal Papers
Title DOI type
Investigation of Microstructural Textures in Al-TiAl3 Nanocomposites Fabricated Through Cold Roll Bonding-Annealing-ARB and Cold Roll Bonding-ARB-Annealing Processes 10.1007/s41403-023-00397-9 Journal
Effects of Annealing on the Fabrication of Al-TiAl3 Nanocomposites Before and After Accumulative Roll Bonding and Evaluation of Strengthening Mechanisms 10.1007/s40195-021-01302-5 Journal
Evaluation of TiAl3 Intermetallic Formation Mechanism and Revolution of Annealing Texture in Al/Ti Powder/Al Laminate Composite Fabricated by Cold Roll Bonding and Post-Annealing Treatment 20.1001.1.23830042.2022. Journal
Efect of Friction Stir Welding on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Super Duplex Stainless Steel # Journal
EBSD Evaluation of Al- TiAl3 Composites Manufactured Through CRB-Annealing-ARB and CRB-ARB-Annealing Methods 10.1007/s12666-021-02408-1 Journal
Influence of surface roughness and hydrophobicity of bipolar plates on PEM performance 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2020.125676 Journal
Fabrication of In-Situ Nickel Intermetallic Compound Dispersed Aluminum Matrix Composites by Friction Stir Process # Journal
Effect of Cold Rolling Parameters on Bond Strength of Ti Particle Embedded Al Strips 10.1007/s12666-018-1380-2 Journal
A novel method for the fabrication of Al-matrix nanocomposites reinforced by mono-dispersed TiAl 3 intermetallic via a three-step process of cold-roll bonding heat-treatment and accumulative roll bonding 10.1016/j.jallcom.2018.03.017 Journal
Friction Stir Welding of Al-B4C Composite Fabricated by Accumulative Roll Bonding Evaluation of Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior # Journal