Dr.Mohammad Ghane

Department of Textile Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran
+98 31 33915003
+98 31 33912444
Professor at Textile Engineering Faculty Isfahan University of Technology
Interested In
Physical and Mechanical Properties of Textile Materials
Evenness Testing
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
Production of Polymeric Films from Orange and Ginger Waste for Packaging Application and Investigation of Mechanical and Thermal Characteristics of Biofilms 10.3390/app14114670 1403 03 Journal
Introduction a new structure made of hydroxyapatite and graphene nanoparticles incorporated into PCL/gelatine nano fibrous web as bone scaffold - 1402 07 Journal
An analytical approach to the stress relaxation behavior of a low temperature shape-memory fabric based on viscoelastic models 10.1088/1361-665X/acc622 1402 02 Journal
Knitted-sock geotextile envelopes increase drain inflow in subsurface drainage systems - 1401 09 Journal
Production and performance of a low temperature shape-memory actuator based on twisted-coiled spring mechanics - 1401 07 Journal
Study of the water vapor permeability of multiple layer fabrics containing the milkweed fibers as the middle layer - 1401 05 Journal
بهينه سازي تركيب پلي لاكتيك اسيد و پلي يورتان ترموپلاستيك به منظور كاربرد در الياف حافظه دار 1401 04 Conference دومين كنفرانس بين المللي كاربرد مواد و ساخت پيشرفته در صنايع
Electro-conductive nanofibrous structure based on PGS/ PCL coated with PPy by in situ chemical polymerization applicable as cardiac patch: Fabrication and optimization - 1401 02 Journal
Structural, thermal, and viscoelastic response of nanoclay reinforced polylactic acid/thermoplastic polyurethane shape?memory nanocomposites of low transition temperature 10.1002/pat.5727 1401 02 Journal
The Molecular Dynamics Study of Atomic Compound and Functional Groups Effects on the Atomic/Thermal Behavior of Polyethylene Glycol/Graphite-based Matrixes - 1401 01 Journal