The aim of the course is to provide students with a general overview of research skills as well as technical writing and presentation. The topics include research basics, selecting a research subject, bibliographic databases, scientific publications, writing skills, technical presentation, and writing ethics. the basic themes and issues. The lecture slides for each chapter are available in the following files:
Chapter1: Basic Concepts of Research (Available on LMS) (by: Dr. A. Doosthosaini)
Chapter2: Selecting a Research Subject (Chapter2-Lecture-Slides.pdf)
Chapter3: Bibliographic Database (Chapter3-Lecture-Slides.pdf)
Chapter4: Scientific Publications (Chapter4-Lecture-Slides.pdf)
Chapter5: Writing (Proposal, Thesis, and Paper) (Chapter5-Lecture-Slides.pdf)
Chapter6: Technical Presentation (Chapter6-Lecture-Slides.pdf)
Chapter7: Research and Writing Ethics (Chapter7-Lecture-Slides.pdf)
Acknowledgment: I would greatly appreciate Dr. M. Javad Omidi, who taught the course in the spring 2012 and 2014. We shared our experiences and lecture slides to improve the course quality.
List and Impact Factors of ISI Journals in Electrical and Computer Engineering:
MIF and AIF for each subject category are also available the above files.
Black List of Publishers and Journals: Please do not submit your articles to the journals mentioned in this file.
Iranian Patent Forms:
1. (Instruction.docx) 2. (Required Documents.docx)
3. (Claims.docx) 4. (Assignees and Inventors.docx)
Sample forms for Industrial Research Proposals:
1. (Short Proposal.doc) 2. (Long Proposal.doc)