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Displaying 1601 - 1620 of 89710
1601 Traffic Modelling of Voice Services in Cellular Networks Basic page
1602 Book Basic page
1603 Published Papers Basic page
1604 Published Book: Introduction to Application of Discrete Stochastic Processes in Engineering (in Persian), Isfahan University of Technology Press. Basic page
1605 Published paper in Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, December 2022 Basic page
1606 Published paper in IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, October 2022 Basic page
1607 Biography 35 Basic page
1608 Controlling Cavitation Damage in Pumps on Oil Offshore Platforms Basic page
1609 Cathodic Protection Problems for Gas Pipelines South of Isfahan IRAN Basic page
1610 آثارجریان سرگردان متناوب  و عوامل محیطی بر تیرهای بتنی برق Basic page
1611 مطالعه اثرات جريان سرگردانAC با ولتاژ بالا بر بتن به كمك روش طيف نگار امپدانس الكتروشيميايي Basic page
1612 Stray Alternating Current Problems in Concrete Power Poles Basic page
1613 Stray Alternating Current and Environmental Effects on Concrete Power Poles Basic page
1614 Effects of alternating stray current and enviromental factors on concrete power poles Basic page
1615 Coating Resistance Measurement on Buried Steel Gas Pipelines In Municipal Areas Basic page
1616 Protecting Concrete Power Poles from Stray Alternating Current Basic page
1617 Effects of Highly Polluted Atmospheres on Power Distribution Systems Basic page
1618 Failure of Impressed Current Anode Supports on Jetty Piles Basic page
1619 Effects of AC stray current on concrete structures Basic page
1620 A review on recent applications of brushless DC electric machines and their potential in energy saving Basic page