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1121 توليد نشانگر نردباني اندازه دی ان ای و هدايت و كنترل مداوم آن در مسير صحيح Basic page
1122 AFLP شناسايي مولكولي گونه هاي علفهاي چمني چندساله با استفاده از ماركر مولكولي Basic page
1123 استفاده از نشانگرهاي مولكولي در بررسي تنوع ژنتيكي و شناسايي برخي گياهان فضاي سبز Basic page
1124 جمع آوري و بررسي كيفيت هاي ظاهري و مقاومت به خشكي اكوتيپ هاي مختلف چمن هاي آفريقايي در مناطق اصفهان و چهار محال بختیاری Basic page
1125 Biography 417 Basic page
1126 Biography 42 Basic page
1127 پاسخ‌های مورفولوژیکی، فیزیولوژیکی و بیوشیمیایی تیپ‌های مختلف گونه بومی اشنان پرگل به تنش خشکی و آبیاری با پساب و بررسی ویژگی‌های آن‌ها در منظر شهری Basic page
1128 Morphological, physiological and biochemical responses of different types of Soda florida, as a native species, to drought stress and wastewater irrigation and investigating their characteristics in urban landscape Basic page
1129 Evaluation of combined technology of low-pressure systems of nutrients injection and high-pressure electronic device of poison injection into the trunk for Sarta beetle control on elm trees. Basic page
1130 Evaluation of crop needs, adaptation and seed production potential of cold season turfgrasses in central regions of Iran. Basic page
1131 Codification of standards and executive instructions of landscape passages and parks of Isfahan city. Basic page
1132 Study, possibility, design, and estimated meter of pressurized irrigation system of landscape and forest of Isfahan University of Technology Basic page
1133 Effect of hormon, tree age and transplanting method on establishment of dominant trees in Isfahan urban landscape Basic page
1134 Evaluation of Isfahan refuses and provide a appropriate method of irrigation with higher efficiency. Basic page
1135 Determination of effective factors and calculating the landscape per capita of multiple areas in Isfahan region. Basic page
1136 Determination of drought and cold resistant turfgrass varieties in Shahrekord region Basic page
1137 Collection and evaluation of visual quality and drought resistance of different ecotypes of Cynodon dactylon in Isfahan and Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari regions. Basic page
1138 Evaluation of temperature on seed germination of Persian shallot. Basic page
1139 Effects of environmental stresses on the major plants of Isfahan landscape and optimized growth conditions of selected plants Basic page
1140 Evaluation of seed production and stability of desirable traits in some ornamental flowers and control method of their weeds Basic page