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Displaying 2481 - 2500 of 89710
2481 Designing of a Launching System from Submarines for Micro Air Vehicles (MAV Basic page
2482 Control & Navigation of Underwater Vehicles Using Telecommunication Networks Basic page
2483 An Oil Spill Model on the Kelvin Wave Theory and Artificial Wind Field for the Persian Gulf Basic page
2484 Combining of a Probability Wind Field and a Hydrodynamic Model tp Prepare a Risk Map Investigating Environmental Contaminants Basic page
2485 Flow Estimation for the Persian Gulf using a Kelvin Wave Expansion Basic page
2486 Using Weibull Probability Distribution to Calibrate Prevailing Wind Applying in Oil Spill Simulatiion Basic page
2487 Modeling of Project Prioritizing and Assessment Based on Risk in a Multi-Project R&D Organization Basic page
2488 Control of Transition over Aerofoil Surfaces using Active Suction Basic page
2489 Numerical Study on Flow Separation Control over NACA0015 Aerofoil using Electromagnetic Fields Basic page
2490 "A Computational study on robust prediction of transition point over NACA0012 aerofoil surfaces from laminar to turbulent flows Basic page
2491 "Sensitivity analysis of project efficiency in a multi-project environment based on data envelopment analysis Basic page
2492 A Novel Desigh of Imspection Robot for High-Voltage Power Lines Basic page
2493 "Applying Genetic Algorithm to Minimize the Oil Spill Damage and Optimize the Location of the Cleaning Vessels Basic page
2494 Wave Energy Estimation using a Statistical Analysis and Wave Buoy Data near Southern Caspian Sea Basic page
2495 An Innovative Wind Propulsion System for Naval Ships Basic page
2496 كنترل جدايش جريان فروصوت برروي ايرفويل از طريق اعمال ميدان الكترومغناظيس بامدلسازي عددي Basic page
2497 توسعه رويكردي تلفيقي از تحليل پوششي داده ها و شاخص بهره وري مالم كوئيست براي ارزيابي عملكرد پروژه Basic page
2498 كاهش خسارت آلودگي حاصل از نشت نفت با تعيين چيدمان بهينه يدك كش هاي پاكسازي نفت در دو منطقه جزيره خارك و بندرعسلویه Basic page
2499 تحليل آسيب هاي ناشي از آلودگي نفتي درخليج فارس و تهيه نقشه ريسك انتشار نفت Basic page
2500 Control of Transition over Aerofoil Surfaces using Active Suction Basic page