
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
Structurally Tunable pH-responsive Phosphine Oxide Based Gels by Facile Synthesis Strategy NULL 1398 11 Journal
Comparison of the Anti-Fungal Effect of Electro-Spinning Drug-Loaded Nano-Fibers and Pad Dry Drug-Loaded Fabrics NULL 1398 10 Journal
The fabrication and characterization of casein/PEO nanofibrous yarn via electrospinning 10.1515/epoly-2019-0017 1398 02 Journal
Silk-Laponite® fibrous membranes for bone tissue engineering NULL 1398 01 Journal
Effects of different drying methods on the physicochemical properties and antioxidant activities of isolated acron polysaccharides NULL 1397 11 Journal
رنگرزي پشم با رنگزاي نيل استخراج شده ازگياه وسمه 1397 09 Conference دومين همايش ملي مواد رنگزا، محيط زيست و توسعه پايدار
امكان سنجي رنگرزي منسوجات با رنگهاي ميكروبي 1397 09 Conference دومين همايش ملي مواد رنگزا، محيط زيست و توسعه پايدار
Investigation on the Biodegradability and Antibacterial Properties of Nanohybrid Suture Based on Silver Incorporated PGA-PLGA Nanofibers 10.1007/s12221-018-8316-7 1397 07 Journal
An investigation on the fabrication of conductive polyethylene dioxythiophene (PEDOT) nanofibers through electrospinning NULL 1397 05 Journal
تهيه فيلم ضد باكتري پلي وينيل الكل حاوي مازو 1397 02 Conference يازدهمين كنفرانس ملي مهندسي نساجي ايران
بررسي سنتيك و مدل جذب رنگزاي آنيونيك نارنجي متيلن بر جاذب پلي آنيلين در حالت پودر و پوشش نانوكامپوزيتي 1397 02 Conference يازدهمين كنفرانس ملي مهندسي نساجي ايران
استفاده از آنزيم پروتئاز بر پايه باكتري در صنايع شوينده و لكه بري 1397 02 Conference يازدهمين كنفرانس ملي مهندسي نساجي ايران
منسوج آرايشي بهداشتي با خاصيت آنتي اكسيداني: نانوذرات پروتئيني ابزاري مناسب براي تهيه منسوج آرايشي بهداشتي 1397 02 Conference يازدهمين كنفرانس ملي مهندسي نساجي ايران
Chitosan-58S bioactive glass nanocomposite coatings on TiO2 nanotube Structural and biological properties NULL 1396 11 Journal
Comparison of prolonged antibacterial activity and release profile of propolisincorporated PVA nanofibrous mat microfibrous mat and film NULL 1396 10 Journal
Investigating the performance of drug delivery system of fluconazole made of nanomicro fibers coated on cotton/polyester fabric NULL 1396 09 Journal
Nano Coating of Polyaniline on Acrylic Electrospun Mat for Adsorption of Anionic Dyes 1396 09 Conference 7th International Color and Coating Congress
Nano coating of PANI on different forms of nylon6 substrates and comparison of their adsorption capacity 1396 08 Conference 6th International Biennial Conference on Ultrafine Grained and Nanostructured Materials
Fabrication and Characterization of Antibacterial PVA nanofibrous mat by Incorporating Gallnut Nanoparticles via Electrospray Technique 1396 08 Conference 6th International Biennial Conference on Ultrafine Grained and Nanostructured Materials
Evaluation and characterization of silk fibers produced by eco-friendly method 1396 07 Conference International Conference on Nanofibers ( ICNF 2017 )