
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
Distillation without hot utilities development of novel distillation configurations for energy and costs saving for separation of propylene/propane mixture NULL 1396 10 Journal
Evaluation of a novel confguration of bottom fashing on dual distillation columns for saving energy NULL 1396 09 Journal
Recognition of polymer-particle interfacial morphology in mixed matrix membranes through ideal permeation predictive models NULL 1396 07 Journal
طراحي، ساخت و اندازه گيري مشخصه هاي يك لوله گرمايي 1396 02 Conference بيست و پنجمين كنفرانس سالانه بين المللي مهندسي مكانيك ايران
شبيه سازي يك شبكه عصبي براي سيستم هاي پيل سوختي انتها بسته با رويكرد كنترل بهينه فرآيند توسط الگوريتم ژنتيك 1396 02 Conference بيست و پنجمين كنفرانس سالانه بين المللي مهندسي مكانيك ايران
Development of a novel processing system for efficient sour water stripping NULL 1395 11 Journal
Evaluation of the performance of heat pump-assisted distillation of an ethanol water mixture NULL 1395 10 Journal
Post combustion carbon capture Does optimization of the processing system based on energy and utility requirements warrant the lowest possible costs NULL 1395 03 Journal
بهينه سازي زمان شيرتخليه پيلهاي سوختي پليمري با آند انتها بسته بر اساس كمينه سازي انرژي اتلافي 1395 02 Conference بيست و چهارمين همايش سالانه بين المللي مهندسي مكانيك
مدلسازي و شبيه سازي رسوب آسفالتين براي يك ميدان نفتي جنوب غرب ايران 1395 02 Conference اولين كنفرانس دوسالانه نفت ، گاز و پتروشيمي خليج فارس
Influence of CO2 Residual of Regenerated Amine on the Performance of Natural Gas Sweetening Processes Using Alkanolamine Solutions NULL 1395 02 Journal
Modeling Simulation and Thermally Optimization of Thermally Coupled Distillation Columns NULL 1395 01 Journal
Synergy between two natural gas sweetening processes NULL 1394 11 Journal
Application of Electrocoagulation Process by Fe Electrodes in Treatment of Industrial Wastewater Containing Z1 Oil 1394 10 Conference The 9th International Chemical Engineering Congress Exhibition (IChEC 2015)
Comparison of Operational Performances and Economical Evaluations of DGA and MDEA Gas Sweetening Processes 1394 10 Conference The 9th International Chemical Engineering Congress Exhibition (IChEC 2015)
Evaluation of different vapor recompression distillation configurations based on energy requirements and associated costs NULL 1394 10 Journal
Treatment of Z1 Oily Industrial Wastewater by Electrocoagulation using Aluminum Electrodes 1394 10 Conference The 9th International Chemical Engineering Congress Exhibition (IChEC 2015)
A study on biosorption of copper ions by fungal chitosan an alternative to shrimp chitosan NULL 1394 09 Journal
Insights to the modeling of polymer-particle interfacial characteristics in nanocomposite membranes for transport of gas molecules 1394 08 Conference 5th International Biennial Conference on Ultrafine Grained and Nanostructured Materials
Comprehensive study on interactive effects of operational parameters by using response surface method for sodium sulfate removal from magnesium stearate aqueous slurry via electrodialysis process 10.1080/19443994.2015.1062426 1394 04 Journal