
type: Journal
Title DOI Year Month type
Aboveground endophyte (Epichloë coenophiala) symbiosis enhanced rhizosphere enzyme activities of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) NULL 1401 02 Journal
Seed yield stability with modified essential oil content and composition in self-compatible progenies of bitter fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) NULL 1401 01 Journal
Overexpression of Choline Oxidase Gene in Three Filial Generations of Rice Transgenic Lines 10.30498/ijb.2022.245350.2850 1401 01 Journal
Water Stress Intensified the Relation of Seed Color with Lignan Content and Seed Yield Components in Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) NULL 1400 09 Journal
Genetic interaction and inheritance of important traits in durum (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum) × emmer (Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccum) crosses under two water regimes NULL 1400 08 Journal
Genetic characterization of a diversity panel, selected from IPK linseed (Linum usitatissimum) world collection NULL 1400 07 Journal
Multi environmental evaluation of persistence and drought tolerance in smooth bromegrass (Bromus inermis): genetic analysis for stability in combining ability NULL 1400 07 Journal
شناسايي ملكولي ارقام لوبيا براي مقاومت جزئي در برابر Colletotrichum lindemuthianumبر اساس نشانگرهاي SCAR NULL 1400 07 Journal
Exploring the breeding potential of Iranian emmer wheats to increase durum wheat tolerance to drought NULL 1400 06 Journal
Genetic variability of seed yield and oil nutritional attributes in linseed dominated by biennial variation NULL 1400 04 Journal
واكنش گندم هاي ايمر و دوروم به سطوح متفاوت كود نيتروژن NULL 1400 04 Journal
Root characteristics of an elite spring wheat panel under contrasting water treatments and their genome-wide association study NULL 1400 04 Journal
Yield stability of contrasting orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) genotypes over the years and water regimes NULL 1400 03 Journal
ارزيابي مبتني بر شاخص هاي تحمل كم آبياري در هيبريدهاي جديد ذرت دانه اي (Zea mays L.) با منشأ سيميت NULL 1400 01 Journal
Emmer wheat as a source for trait improvement in durum wheat: a study of general and specific combining ability NULL 1399 12 Journal
Evidence for self-compatibility and variation for inbreeding depression within breeding populations of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) NULL 1399 11 Journal
NULL NULL 1399 10 Journal
Drought Tolerance in Cultivated and Wild Barley Genotypes: The Role of Root System Characteristics NULL 1399 07 Journal
NULL NULL 1399 07 Journal
Influence of water deficit and defoliation managements on post-drought recovery and persistence of smooth bromegrass NULL 1399 07 Journal