
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Development of a Sustainable Alternative for the Ammoniacal Cyanidation of Copper-Gold Ores Through a Biological Approach 10.1007/s40831-020-00316-0 Journal
Utilization of A. niger strains isolated from pistachio husk and grape skin in the bioleaching of valuable elements from red mud 10.1016/j.hydromet.2020.105495 Journal
Leaching Optimization of Sarcheshmeh Copper Concentrate by Application of Taguchi Experimental Design Method # Journal
Continuous bio-hydrometallurgical extraction of zinc from a bulk lead-zinc flotation concentrate on a pilot scale 10.1016/j.mineng.2020.106529 Journal
Effect of liquid and air flowrates on the efficiency of a two-stage air-assisted solvent extraction system in pilot scale 10.1016/j.mineng.2020.106376 Journal
Evolving multilayer perceptron, and factorial design for modelling and optimization of dye decomposition by bio-synthetized nano CdS-diatomite composite 10.1016/j.envres.2019.108997 Journal
Comparison and optimization of the bio-cyanidation potentials of B. megaterium and P. aeruginosa for extracting gold from an oxidized copper-gold ore in the presence of residual glycine 10.1016/j.hydromet.2019.105218 Journal
Biological separation of quartz from kaolinite using Bacillus licheniformis 10.1080/01496395.2019.1617738 Journal
Optimization and kinetics of oxalic acid treatment of feldspar for removing the iron oxide impurities 10.1080/01496395.2019.1612913 Journal
Application of differential bio-flocculation in the removal of hematite and goethite from kaolin and quartz # Journal
Investigation and optimization of influencing parameters on the copper extraction from a low-grade oxide deposit by acid leaching # Journal
Separation of Petroleum Coke from Anode Stubs Produced During the Aluminum Electrolysis # Journal
Combined Effect of Operating Parameters on Separation Efficiency and Kinetics of Copper Flotation # Journal
Optimization of continuous air-assisted solvent extraction for treating dilute Cu leach solutions using response surface methodology 10.1016/j.mineng.2018.11.018 Journal
Kinetics isotherm and optimization of the hexavalent chromium removal from aqueous solution by a magnetic nanobiosorbent # Journal
بررسي امكان فرآوري باريتهاي آذربايجانغربي به منظور كاربرد در صنايع دارويي با روشهاي تركيبي فيزيكي و شيميايي # Journal
مطالعه تاثير اندازه ذرات بر رفتار ته نشيني زيستي هماتيت توسط باسيلوس ليچنيفورميس # Journal
From the iron boring scraps to superparamagnetic nanoparticles through an aerobic biological route # Journal
Surface phenomena in air assisted solvent extraction 10.1016/j.hydromet.2018.03.010 Journal
امكانسنجي بهبود كيفيت فلدسپاتهاي استان اصفهان به منظور استفاده در صنايع كاشي و سراميك # Journal