
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
A New Dual Band High Power Ferrite Circulator # Journal
Design and Implementation of An Aperture Coupled Microstrip IFF Antenna # Journal
طراحي و ساخت فيلتر اكتيو وفقي براي تخمين دقيق و حذف اغتشاشات شبكه هاي AC # Journal
بررسي تجربي و تحليلي رفتار گرمايش ژول الياف كربن لايه نشاني شده با نيكل Conference
مقايسه روش هاي موجبر و طيف سنجي مرئي- فروسرخ نزديك در برآورد غيرمخرب فراسنجه هاي كيفي تخم مرغ Conference
UWB Sixport Aanalysis and Design in mm-Wave for 5G Applications Conference
UWB Sixport Analysis and Design in mm-Wave for 5G Applications Conference
Design and Analysis of a Tunable Microwave Photonic Delay Line in X Band Conference
Implementation of a Wide Band VHF High Power Tubular Band Pass Filter Conference
Design and Analysis of a High Power Controllable Phase Shifter Based on SIW in X-band Conference
A New Series-Fed Printed Dipole Array Antenna for SSR Conference
A New Wideband Modified Biquad Antenna at VHF for Communication Systems Conference
A New Microstrip Fed-Slot Array Antenna for Secondary Surveillance Radar Conference
A Broad-band End Launch Double Ridge Waveguide to CoaxialTransition Using LPDA Conference
Analysis and Implementation of a Dual Mode Cavity Band Pass Filter Conference
Design and Implementation of a Planar Slot Antenna for SSR Conference
Distortion analysis of UWB short pulses using time-frequency distribution Conference
NULL Conference
Broadband Coaxial Spatial Power Combiner Formed by Tapered Slot Antenna Conference
A Simple Minimized Polarization Reconfigurable Slot Antenna Conference