
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Environmental Application of gas chromatography-atomic emission detection # Journal
Electropolymerization of Indole and Study of Electrochemical Behavior of the Polymer in Aqueous Solutions # Journal
Chemically modified cellulose paper as an extraction phase for thin film microextraction # - Journal
تصفيه لجن مخازن فراوردههاي نفتي Conference
مشخصه يابي لجن نفتي مخازن ذخيره سوخت هاي سنگين Conference
Comparison of immiscible organic solvent hollow fiber liquid three phase microextraction and traditional hollow fiber liquid three phase microextraction combined with electrospray ionization-ion mobility spectrometry for the determination of proprano Conference
Rapid determination of pentazocine in human plasma and urine by potentiometric method Conference
Hollow Fiber-Based Liquid Phase Microextraction Combined with Gas chromatography-Electron capture detection for Extraction and determination of chlorpyrifos-methyl chlorpyrifos and Bromopropylate in river water and urine Conference
Determination of Narcotic Drugs in Biological Samples using Two-phase Hollow fibere Liquid phase microextraction followed by Gas chromatography-Nitrogen phosohorus detector Conference
Determination of Desipramine by Hollow Fiber Liquid-Liquid-Liquid Microextraction followed by in syringe Derivatization and gas chromatography-Nitrogen-phosphorus detection Conference
Three-phase hollow fiber microextraction technique combined with electrospray ionization-ion mobility spectrometry (HF-LLLME-ESI-IMS) was applied for the extraction and simultaneous determination of trimipramine and desipramine in urine and plasma sa Conference
Determination of Phenoxy Acid Herbicides in Environmental Water Samples using Microextraction in Packed Syringe and Electrospray Ionization Ion Mobility Spectrometry Conference
Determination of 1 4-dioxane in surfactant and shampoo by headspace single drop Microextraction followed by GC -FID Conference
lQSPR for prediction of ionization efficiency (IE) of organic compounds using least squares support vector regression Conference
A novel nanocomposite based on pyrrole/functional carbon nanotubes and graphite electrod for determination of chlorpromazine Conference
Comparison of dispersive liquid liquid microextraction and hollow fiber liquid-liquid-liquid Microextraction for the determination of narcotic drugs in biological samples by HPLC-DAD Conference
Hollow fiber-based liquid-liquid-liquid microextraction followed by flow ingection analysis with diode array detector(FIA-DAD) using non -column HPLC system for rapid determination of phenazopyridine in biological samples Conference
تاثير غلظت اسيد سولفوريك و ميزان دانسيته پالپ بر فرايند ليچينگ در استحصال روي از گرد و غبار كوره هاي برنج ريزي به روش هايدرومتالورزي Conference
Application of three-phase microextraction technique coupled with electrospray ionization source ion mobility spectrometry (LLLME-ESI-IMS) for the extraction and determination of pentazocine from biological samples Conference
NULL Conference