
type: Journal
Title DOI Year Month type
Different approaches for identifying important concepts in probabilistic biomedical text summarization 10.1016/j.artmed.2017.11.004 1396 10 Journal
BigFCM Fast Precise and Scalable FCM on Hadoop NULL 1396 09 Journal
P 4QS A Peer to Peer Privacy Preserving Query Service for Location-Based Mobile Applications NULL 1396 07 Journal
A Type-2 fuzzy data fusion approach for building reliable weighted protein interaction networks with application in protein complex detection NULL 1396 06 Journal
Quantifying the informativeness for biomedical literature summarization An itemset mining method NULL 1396 04 Journal
Heter-LP A heterogeneous label propagation algorithm and its application in drug repositioning NULL 1396 01 Journal
A review of network-based approaches to drug repositioning NULL 1395 10 Journal
Ambiguity-Driven Fuzzy C-Means Clustering How to Detect Uncertain Clustered Records NULL 1395 06 Journal
A Sample-Based Approach to Data Quality Assessment in Spatial Databases with Application to Mobile Trajectory Nearest-Neighbor Search NULL 1393 04 Journal
Maximum likelihood model based on minor allele frequencies and weighted Max-SAT formulation for haplotype assembly NULL 1393 03 Journal
GREST A Type-2 Fuzzy Distance Model for Group Nearest-Neighbor Queries NULL 1390 07 Journal
Optimizing the Performance and Robustness of Type-2 Fuzzy Group Nearest-Neighbor Queries NULL 1390 02 Journal
type: Conference
Title Year Month type Conference Title
A Novel Approach for Approximate Spatio-Textual Skyline Queries 1396 09 Conference 17th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2017)
Evaluating Different Similarity Measures for Automatic Biomedical Text Summarization 1396 09 Conference 17th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2017)
Linked Data Partitioning for RDF Processing on Apache Spark 1396 01 Conference 3rd International Conference on Web Research
Fast and Scalable Protein Motif Sequence Clustering based on Hadoop Framework 1396 01 Conference 3rd International Conference on Web Research
Performance evaluation of SpatialHadoop for big web mapping data 1395 02 Conference 2nd International Conference on Web Research
Performance evaluation of SQL and MongoDB databases for big e-commerce data 1394 05 Conference 2015 International Symposium on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE)
Spatial database implementation of fuzzy region connection calculus for analysing the relationship of diseases 1394 02 Conference بيست و سومين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
An Adaptive Hybrid Architecture for Intrusion Detection Based on Fuzzy Clustering and RBF Neural Networks 1390 02 Conference 2011 Ninth Annual Communication Networks and Services Research Conference