
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Sr-doped forsterite nanopowder Synthesis and biological properties # Journal
Effects of Ferrosilicon Addition and Formation of Insitu SiC Nano-whiskers on MgO-C Refractories # Journal
Correlation of Tensile Properties and Strain Hardening Behavior with Martensite Volume Fraction in Dual-Phase Steels # Journal
بهبود خاصيت عايق بندي اندود كاهگل با استفاده از بنتونيت و كائولن ميكرونيزه # Journal
Fabrication and Characterization of Squeeze Cast A413-CSF Composites # Journal
هبود خاصيت عايق بندي اندود كاهگل با استفاده از بنتونيت و كائولن ميكرونيزه. # Journal
تثير مدت زمان عمل آوري ملات سنتي كاهگل بر مقاومت فشاري و كششي آن # Journal
Surface modification of PCL-diopside fibrous membrane via gelatin immobilization for bone tissue engineering # Journal
Influence of Heat Treatment Schedule on the Tensile Properties and Wear Behavior of Dual Phase Steels # Journal
تاثير افزودنيهاي ميكرونيزه سيليكاتي در كاهش نفوذپذيري و فرسايش ناشي از بارش مصنوعي اندود كاهگل # Journal
بررسي تاثير استفاده از افزودنيهاي ميكرونيزه تكتوسيليكاتي بر بهبود خواص فيزيكي و مكانيكي اندود سنتي كاهگل # Journal
Fabrication and characterization of baghdadite nanostructured scaffolds by space holder method 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2017.01.034 Journal
Microstructure Tensile Properties and Work Hardening Behavior of GTA-Welded Dual-Phase Steels # Journal
pH sensitive dexamethasone encapsulated laponite nanoplatelets: Release mechanism and cytotoxicity 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2017.01.001 Journal
Fabrication of monticellite-akermanite nanocomposite powder for tissue engineering applications 10.1016/j.jallcom.2016.09.219 Journal
Reinforcement of electrospun poly( -caprolactone) scaffold using diopside nanopowder to promote biological and physical properties 10.1002/app.44433 Journal
An Experimental Investigation of Effects of Fluxes (Na3AlF6 and K2TiF6) Element Alloys (Mg) and Composite Powders ((AlTiC)CP and (AlB4C)CP) on Distribution of Particles and Phases in Al-B4C and Al-TiC Composites 10.1007/s11663-016-0900-x Journal
Examination of Phase Transformation Kinetics during Step Quenching of Dual phase steels # Journal
Multifunctional magnetic nanostructured hardystonite scaffold for hyperthermia drug delivery and tissue engineering applications 10.1016/j.msec.2016.08.060 Journal
pH sensitive dexamethasone encapsulated laponite nanoplatelets Release mechanism and cytotoxicity # Journal