Effect of profile modification on the performance of spur gears in isothermal mixed-EHL regime using load-sharing concept |
10.1177/1350650118806802 |
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مطالعه تجربي و تئوري اثر نيتراته كردن بر رفتار تماسي لغزشي در دوره گذار سايش |
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On the running0in behavior of cam0follower mechanism |
10.1016/j.triboint.2017.09.034 |
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On the Performance of EHL Contacts with Textured Surfaces |
10.1007/s11249-017-0871-3 |
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Meeting the Contact-Mechanics Challenge |
10.1007/s11249-017-0900-2 |
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Comparison of tribological performance of roller follower and flat follower under mixed elastohydrodynamic lubrication regime |
10.1177/1350650116684403 |
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On the Applicability of Miner s Rule to Adhesive Wear |
10.1007/s11249-016-0717-4 |
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Numerical analysis of turbocharger s bearing using dynamic mesh |
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Mixed Thermo Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication Analysis of Finite Length Cam and Follower Mechanism |
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بررسي اثر جهت گيري زبري سطح بر ناپايداري ترموالاستيك در سطوح لغزشي روان كاري شده |
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Effect of surface roughness pattern on transient mixed elastohydrodynamic lubrication |
10.1088/2051-672X/4/1/015001 |
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Thermohydrodynamic analysis of foil journal bearings using differential quadrature method |
10.1177/1350650115607894 |
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Experimental and Finite Element Simulation of Wear in Nanostructured NiAl Coating |
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مدلسازي روانكاري الاستوهيدروديناميك مكانيزم پيرو و بادامك مسطح با روانكار گريس به روش چند شبكه اي |
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Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Operating Conditions on the Running-in Behavior of Lubricated Elliptical Contacts |
10.1007/s11249-015-0538-x |
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پيش بيني عملكرد چرخدنده هاي مارپيج تحت رژيم روانكاري مخلوط |
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A Parametric Study on the Sub-surface Stresses in Spur Gears under Mixed-lubrication Regime using Load-sharing and Finite Element Simulation |
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Effect of Friction on Tandem Cold Rolling Mills Chattering |
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بررسي عملكرد چرخدنده ساده در رژيم روانكاري الاستوهيدروديناميك مخلوط |
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A new load-sharing-based approach to model mixed-lubrication contact of spur gears |
10.1177/1350650114538615 |
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