
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
Improvement of Corrosion and Tribocorrosion Behavior of Pure Titanium by Sub0Zero Anodic Spark Oxidation NULL 1397 01 Journal
Antibacterial chitosan-copper nanocomposite coatings for biomedical applications NULL 1396 12 Journal
Synthesis and thermal shock evaluation of porous SiC ceramic foams for solar thermal applications NULL 1396 10 Journal
Comparative study on microstructure and corrosion behavior of nanostructured hydroxyapatite coatings deposited by high velocity oxygen fuel and flame spraying on AZ61 magnesium based substrates NULL 1396 10 Journal
Experimental investigation of time and repeated cycles in nucleate pool boiling of alumina/water nanofluid on polished and machined surfaces 10.1007/s00231-017-2266-2 1396 09 Journal
Synthesis and characterization of bioactive glass coated forsterite scaffold for tissue engineering applications NULL 1396 09 Journal
Preparation and characterization of nanocomposite graphene oxide polyvinylpyrrolidone coating on Ti6Al4V alloy for improvement of tribological behavior 1396 08 Conference 6th International Biennial Conference on Ultrafine Grained and Nanostructured Materials
Photocatalytic Activity of Flame Sprayed Coating of Zinc Ferrite Powder NULL 1396 07 Journal
Application of Compressible Volume of Fluid Model in Simulating the Impact and Solidification of Hollow Spherical ZrO2 Droplet on a Surface 10.1007/s11666-017-0632-8 1396 06 Journal
بررسي ريزساختار و خواص مكانيكي اتصال نفوذي ورق هاي آلياژي Al /Al2O3 NULL 1396 06 Journal
Characterization of Copper Coatings Deposited by High Velocity Oxy-Fuel Spray for Thermal and Electrical Conductivity Applications NULL 1396 05 Journal
Design of antibacterial nanocomposite coating of Chitosan-Copper for medicine applications 1396 02 Conference International Conference / Workshop of Inter-Islamic network on Nanotechnology
Study of TLP bonding of Ti-6Al-4V alloy produced by vacuum plasma spray forming and forging NULL 1396 01 Journal
Modeling the Cathodic Protection system For a Marin Platform Jacket NULL 1396 01 Journal
Fabrication and characterization nanostructured forsterite foams with high compressive strength desired porosity and suitable bioactivity for biomedical applications 10.1007/s10971-016-4240-8 1395 12 Journal
Plasma-Sprayed Photocatalytic Zinc Oxide Coatings NULL 1395 12 Journal
بررسي اثر ساختاري و نوري آلايش مس بر لايه هاي نازك اكسيد روي ساخته شده به روش كند و پاش 1395 11 Conference هفدهمين سمينار ملي مهندسي سطح
بررسي و تعيين ضريب نفوذ پوشش اسپري حرارتي فولاد زنگ نزن 316 در برابر هيدروژن 1395 11 Conference هفدهمين سمينار ملي مهندسي سطح
اصلاح سطحي آلياژ Ti6AL4Vبا استفاده از ميكروبافت و ارزيابي خواص سطحي آن براي كاربرد در كاشتني هاي مفصل زانو 1395 11 Conference هفدهمين سمينار ملي مهندسي سطح
طراحي پوشش نانوكامپوزيتي برپايه مس و كيتوسان براي كاربردهاي پزشكي 1395 11 Conference هفدهمين سمينار ملي مهندسي سطح