
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
مطالعه ي روندتغييرات ژنتيكي برخي از صفات رشد در گوسفند كردي 1387 07 Conference سومين كنگره علوم دامي كشور
برآورد پارامترهاي ژنتيكي صفات تيپ ، توليد و باروري در گاوهاي هلشتاين ايران 1387 07 Conference سومين كنگره علوم دامي كشور
برآورد پارامترهاي ژنتيكي ركوردهاي روزآزمون توليد شير در گاوهاي شيري 1387 07 Conference سومين كنگره علوم دامي كشور
The effect of induced ascites syndrome on blood gas parameters and internal organ weights in broilers NULL 1387 04 Journal
The relationship between growth curve and ascites syndrome in broilers NULL 1387 04 Journal
ارزيابي ژنتيكي ركوردهاي روزآزمون با استفاده از مدل تكرارپذيري 1387 03 Conference دهمين كنگره ژنتيك ايران
comparison between BayesC and GBLUP method to estimate genomic breeding values in threshold phenotypes 1387 01 Conference British Society of Animal Science Annual Conference
Genetic relationships between linear type traits somatic cell score and longevity in Holstein cows of Iran NULL 1386 10 Journal
Genetic mapping of quantitative trait loci affecting susceptibility in chicken to develop pulmonary hypertension syndrome (PHS) NULL 1384 09 Journal
Genetic parameters of ascites-related traits in broilers . Correlations with feed efficiency and carcass traits NULL 1383 11 Journal
Genetic parameters of ascites-related traits in broilers effect of cold and normal temperature conditions NULL 1383 11 Journal
Selection Strategies for Body Weight and Reduced Ascites Susceptibility in Broilers NULL 1383 10 Journal
Direct and maternal genetic effects for ascites-related traits in Broilers NULL 1380 10 Journal