
type: Journal
Title DOI Year Month type
Tough and flexible CNT polymeric hybrid scaffolds for engineering cardiac constructs NULL 1393 03 Journal
Effects of Surface Modification on the Mechanical and Structural Properties of Nanofibrous Poly(E-caprolactone)/Forsterite Scaffold for Tissue Engineering Applications NULL 1392 09 Journal
Tunable Cellular Interactions and Physical Properties of Nanofibrous PCL-Forsterite Gelatin Scaffold through Sequential Electrospinning NULL 1392 07 Journal
Development of novel aligned nanofibrous composite membranes for guided bone regeneration NULL 1392 05 Journal
PGS Gelatin nanofibrous scaffolds with tunable mechanical and structural properties for engineering cardiac tissues NULL 1392 03 Journal
Preparation and characterization of polycaprolactone/forsterite nanocomposite porous scaffolds designed for bone tissue regeneration NULL 1390 12 Journal
Novel forsterite/polycaprolactone nanocomposite scaffold for tissue engineering applications NULL 1390 03 Journal
Improvement of mechanical properties and biocompatibility of forsterite bioceramic addressed to bone tissue engineering materials NULL 1389 07 Journal
ساخت، مشخصه يابي و ارزيابي فعاليت زيستي نانوبيوسراميك فورستريت NULL 1389 01 Journal
Synthesis and Characterization of Bioactive Forsterite Nanopowder NULL 1388 05 Journal
Two-step Sintering of Dense Nanostructural Forsterite NULL 1388 04 Journal
The effect of fluorine ion on fabrication of nanostructure forsterite during mechanochemical synthesis NULL 1387 12 Journal
Mechanically activated crystallization of phase pure nanocrystalline forsterite powders NULL 1387 07 Journal
Mechanochemical Synthesis and Characterization of Nanostructure Forsterite Bioceramics NULL 1387 04 Journal
type: Conference
Title Year Month type Conference Title
ساخت و مشخصه يابي داربست ليفي نانوكامپوزيتي پلي كاپرولاكتون/فورستريت براي مهندسي بافت استخوان 1392 02 Conference اولين همايش ملي و كارگاه هاي تخصصي علوم و فناوري نانو
ساخت نانوپودر فورستريت به روش سل-ژل و ارزيابي زيست فعالي آن در محيط آزمايشگاهي 1387 11 Conference پانزدهمين كنفرانس مهندسي پزشكي ايران
Synthesis and in vitro bioactivity of forsterite nanocrystallite powder 1387 08 Conference 2nd International Congress on Nanoscience Nanotechnology
ساخت نانوپودر فورستريت و ارزيابي زيست سازگاري آن در محيط آزمايشگاهي 1387 03 Conference همايش ملي مواد نو
Preparation and Characterization of Nanostructure Forsterite Bioceramics by Mechanochemical Synthesis 1386 08 Conference International Conference on Ultrafine Grained and Nanostructured Materials