
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Manufacturing, modeling, and optimization of nickel-coated carbon fabric for highly ef?cient EMI shielding # Journal
UV Protection and Photocatalytic Activity of Novel Polyamide 6/ZnO Hybrid Nanofibers via Electrospinning/Electrospraying Method # Journal
Synthesis of carbon nanotubes composite nanofibers for ultrahigh performance UV protection and microwave absorption applications # Journal
Synthesis of special acrylic nanofibers as an appropriate precursor for conductive carbon nanofibers # Journal
Fabrication of Lightweight and Flexible Cellulose Acetate Composite Nanofibers for High-Performance Ultra Violet Protective Materials # Journal
اثر نسبت منظري و خلوص نانولوله هاي كربن چندديواره بر شكل شناسي سطح و خواص الكتريكي نانوالياف كامپوزيتي # Journal
Novel estimation of morphological behavior of electrospun nanofibers with artificial intelligence system (AIS) # Journal
Effects of diameter and surface area of electrospun nanocomposite fibers on electromagnetic interference shielding 10.1134/S0965545X17050133 Journal
Synthesis and characterization of highly dispersed multi-walled carbon nanotubes/polyvinylpyrrolidone composite nanofibers for EMI shielding application 10.1002/pc.23774 Journal
Designing modeling and manufacturing of lightweight carbon nanotubes/polymer composite nanofibers for electromagnetic interference shielding application # Journal
Fabrication of magnetite nanoparticles/ polyvinylpyrrolidone composite nanofibers and their application as electromagnetic interference shielding material # Journal
Theoretical and experimental studies on EMI shielding mechanisms of multi-walled carbon nanotubes reinforced high performance composite nanofibers 10.1007/s10965-016-0943-3 Journal
Effects of Polymer/Solvent Systems on Electrospun Polyvinylpyrrolidone Nanofiber Morphology and Diameter # Journal
Evaluation of Effective Electrospinning Parameters Controlling Polyvinylpyrrolidone Nanofibers Surface Morphology via Response Surface Methodology # Journal
Thermodynamic Studies on Polyvinylpyrrolidone Solution Systems Used for Fabrication of Electrospun Nanostructures: Effects of the Solvent # Journal
بررسي تجربي و تحليلي رفتار گرمايش ژول الياف كربن لايه نشاني شده با نيكل Conference
سنتز و مشخصه يابي نانوذرات Fe3O4 و مطالعه خواص پارچه نايلون پوشش داده شده با اين نانوذرات Conference
تاثير نانوصفحات گرافن بر خواص مورفولوژيكي و مكانيكي نانوالياف كامپوزيتي اكريليك نساجي/GNPs Conference
توليد نانوالياف كامپوزيتي حاوي نانوذرات مغناطيسي و كاربرد آن در جذب امواج الكترومغناطيسي Conference
تاثيرات مورفولوژي نانوذرات روي اكسيد در ساختار نانوالياف كامپوزيتي نايلون-روي اكسيد به منظور محافظت در برابر پرتو فرابنفش Conference