
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Thermo-mechanical characterization of glass at high temperature using the cylinder compression test. Part I Viscoelasticity friction and PPV # Journal
Thermo-mechanical characterization of glass at high temperature using the cylinder compression test. Part II No-slip experiments viscoelastic constants and sensitivity # Journal
The effect of temperature on the stick-slip friction behavior of optical glasses in precision glass molding # Journal
Performance Evaluation of a Bench-Top Precision Glass Molding Machine # Journal
Investigation of the Hertzian Stress Distribution on the Surface of the Straight Bevel Gear # Journal
Friction measurement in precision glass molding An experimental study # Journal
Apparatus for high temperature friction measurement # Journal
Micron and sub-micron feature replication of amorphous polymers at elevated mold temperature without externally applied pressure # Journal
Prediction of chatter in high speed milling including gyroscopic effects # Journal
Designing and manufacturing of mono-focal intraocular lenses based on methyl methacrylate resin Conference
Achieving sustainable technologies the synergy between Industry 4.0 and Manufacturing Conference
طراحي و بهينه سازي روش ساخت و توليد لنزهاي داخل چشمي تك كانوني بر پايه رزين متيل متاكريالت Conference
طراحي سامانه ميكروسيالي اينرسي غيرفعال براي بازيابي اسپرم از تركيبات سلولي معلق ناهمگن Conference
تجزيه و تحليل عمر ابزار در طول عمليات سوراخكاري سر كوچك شاتون با تعيين پارامترهاي فرايند بهينه بر اساس معادلات تيلور بهبود يافته Conference
Preparation of Hydrophobic Acrylic Foldable Intraocular Lens for Cataract Surgery Conference
Evaluation the Effect of Ultrasonic Welding Parameters on the Welding Quality of Thermoplastics, an Experimental Study Conference
Developing an Optimized Design of Bioreactors as In-vitro destructive constructs Used for Investigating Cardiovascular Stents Degradation Conference
Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Oriented Polylactic acid/Graphene oxide Nanocomposite Films Conference
The study of the relationship between mechanical properties and in-vitro biodegradability in polylactic acid-hydroxyapatite (PLA/HA) nanocomposites in simulated body fluid Conference
Effect of Halloysite Nanotube Addition on Properties of Poly (lactic acid)-based Nanocomposites Conference