Thermo-mechanical characterization of glass at high temperature using the cylinder compression test. Part I Viscoelasticity friction and PPV |
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Thermo-mechanical characterization of glass at high temperature using the cylinder compression test. Part II No-slip experiments viscoelastic constants and sensitivity |
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The effect of temperature on the stick-slip friction behavior of optical glasses in precision glass molding |
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Performance Evaluation of a Bench-Top Precision Glass Molding Machine |
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Investigation of the Hertzian Stress Distribution on the Surface of the Straight Bevel Gear |
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Friction measurement in precision glass molding An experimental study |
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Apparatus for high temperature friction measurement |
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Micron and sub-micron feature replication of amorphous polymers at elevated mold temperature without externally applied pressure |
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Prediction of chatter in high speed milling including gyroscopic effects |
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Designing and manufacturing of mono-focal intraocular lenses based on methyl methacrylate resin |
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Achieving sustainable technologies the synergy between Industry 4.0 and Manufacturing |
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طراحي و بهينه سازي روش ساخت و توليد لنزهاي داخل چشمي تك كانوني بر پايه رزين متيل متاكريالت |
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طراحي سامانه ميكروسيالي اينرسي غيرفعال براي بازيابي اسپرم از تركيبات سلولي معلق ناهمگن |
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تجزيه و تحليل عمر ابزار در طول عمليات سوراخكاري سر كوچك شاتون با تعيين پارامترهاي فرايند بهينه بر اساس معادلات تيلور بهبود يافته |
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Preparation of Hydrophobic Acrylic Foldable Intraocular Lens for Cataract Surgery |
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Evaluation the Effect of Ultrasonic Welding Parameters on the Welding Quality of Thermoplastics, an Experimental Study |
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Developing an Optimized Design of Bioreactors as In-vitro destructive constructs Used for Investigating Cardiovascular Stents Degradation |
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Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Oriented Polylactic acid/Graphene oxide Nanocomposite Films |
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The study of the relationship between mechanical properties and in-vitro biodegradability in polylactic acid-hydroxyapatite (PLA/HA) nanocomposites in simulated body fluid |
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Effect of Halloysite Nanotube Addition on Properties of Poly (lactic acid)-based Nanocomposites |
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