
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
The lateral migration of a drop under gravity between two parallel plates at finite Reynolds numbers NULL 1390 10 Journal
Three-dimensional numerical simulation of drops suspended in Poiseuille flow at non-zero Reynolds numbers NULL 1390 09 Journal
Three-dimensional numerical simulation of drops suspended in simple shear flow at finite Reynolds numbers NULL 1390 09 Journal
effect of density ratio on the hydrodynamic interaction between two drops in simple shear flow NULL 1390 07 Journal
Binary collision of drops in simple shear flow at finite Reynolds numbers Geometry and viscosity ratio effects NULL 1390 05 Journal
Equilibrium Position for a drop in Simple Shear Flow 1390 02 Conference نوزدهمين همايش سالانه مهندسي مكانيك
تاثير جاذبه روي مكان تعادل تك قطره در جريان برشي در حالت دو بعدي 1390 02 Conference نوزدهمين همايش سالانه مهندسي مكانيك
Numerical Simulation of Two-Dimensional Drops Suspended in Simple Shear Flow at Non-zerio Reynolds Numbers NULL 1389 12 Journal
Effect of density ratio on the motion of a neutrally buoyant drop in plane Poiseuille flow at finite Reynolds numbers 1389 08 Conference سيزدهمين كنفرانس سالانه و دومين كنفرانس بين المللي ديناميك شاره ها
A numerical study of the motion of a single drop in simple shear flow density ratio effects 1389 06 Conference International Conference On Mechanical and Electrical Technology (ICMET 2010)
the motion of a neutrally buoyant and non-neutrally buoyant drop at finite Reynolds numbers 1389 02 Conference هيجدهمين همايش سالانه بين المللي مهندسي مكانيك
A three-dimensional study of the motion of a drop in plane Poiseuille flow at finite Reynolds numbers NULL 1389 01 Journal
Migration of a drop in simple shear flow at finite Reynolds numbers size and viscosity ratio effects 1388 11 Conference International Conference on Mechanical Engineering ( ICME 2010 )
numerical simulation of the motion of a single drop in a shear flow at finite Reynolds numbers NULL 1388 07 Journal
Geometry effects on the interaction of two equal-sized drops in simple shear flow at finite Reynolds numbers 1388 03 Conference Fifth International Conference on Computational and Experimental Methods in Mutiphase and Conflow(Multiphase Flow 2009)
مطالعه سه بعدي حركت قطرات ذر جريان پواسل در عدد رينولدز محدود 1388 02 Conference 17th Annual ( International ) Conference on Mechanical Engineering ( ISME 2009 )
Numerical simulation of the interaction of two equal sized drops in a shear flow at finite Reynolds numbers 1388 02 Conference 17th Annual ( International ) Conference on Mechanical Engineering ( ISME 2009 )
A numerical study of the motion of drops in Couette flow (High Reynolds numbers) The effects of viscosity ratio 1386 02 Conference NULL
مطالعه عددي حركت قطره در جريان پواسل NULL 1385 12 Journal
مطالعه عددي حركت يك قطره در جريان پواسل 1385 02 Conference چهاردهمين كنفرانس (بين المللي) مهندسي مكانيك