
Title DOI Year Month type
Strain or electronic effects MP2 and DFT aromaticity investigation in small ring annulated benzene NULL 1395 10 Journal
Nature of intramolecular interactions of vitamin C in view of interacting quantum atoms the role of hydrogen bond cooperativity on geometry NULL 1395 03 Journal
Nature of Beryllium Bonds in View of Interacting Quantum Atoms and Natural Energy Decomposition Analysis NULL 1395 03 Journal
Theoretical investigation of proton-transfer in different membranes for PEMFC applications in low humidity conditions NULL 1395 02 Journal
Sulfonated or phosphonated membranes DFT investigation of proton exchange in poly(oxadiazole) membranes NULL 1394 12 Journal
Comparison of halogen bonds in M X N contacts (M C Si Ge and X Cl Br) NULL 1394 02 Journal
Does Fluorine Participate in Halogen Bonding NULL 1393 12 Journal
Hydrogen hydrogen interaction in planar biphenyl A theoretical study based on the interacting quantum atoms and Hirshfeld atomic energy partitioning methods NULL 1393 07 Journal
Synthesis characterization crystal structure determination and computational study of the two new bidentate O N Schiff bases derived from bromosalicylaldehyde and amines containing alkyl halide pendant groups NULL 1392 09 Journal
Pnicogen Bonds A Theoretical Study Based on the Laplacian of Electron Density NULL 1392 08 Journal
Nature of closed- and open-shell interactions between noble metals and rare gas atoms NULL 1391 12 Journal
Oxidative addition of n-alkyl halides to diimine-dialkylplatinum(ii) complexes: a closer look at the kinetic behaviors 10.1039/B800771C 1387 06 Journal
Closed shell oxygenoxygen bonding interaction based on electron density analysis 10.1016/j.theochem.2006.10.008 1385 12 Journal
The chemical nature of very strong hydrogen bonds in some categories of compounds 10.1016/j.theochem.2005.10.040 1384 11 Journal