
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Gas pipeline replacement problems in urban areas # Journal
Bend Test of Concretec Power Poles # Journal
Microstructure and electrochemical properties of IrO2+RhOx+ZrO2 coated titanium anodes 10.1016/j.electacta.2019.135158 Journal
Control of Environmental Degradation of Concrete Power Poles # Journal
Cathodic Protection Problem for Gas Pipline near a Compressor Station # Journal
Degradation of a Thrust Bearing in a Lift Pump on an Electromotor Offshore Platform # Journal
Passivation of Zinc Anodes in Marine Conditions # Journal
Cathodic Protection Problems for Gas Pipelines South of Isfahan IRAN # Journal
Controlling Cavitation Damage in Pumps on Oil Offshore Platforms # Journal
A Review on Recent Applications of Brushless DC Electric Machines and Their Potential Energy Saving # Journal
The Effects of DC Stray Current on Concrete Permeability # Journal
Failure of Impressed Current Anode Supports on Jetty Piles # Journal
Effects of Highly Polluted Atmosphers on Power Distribution Systems # Journal
آثار جريان سرگردان متناوب و عوامل محيطي بر تيرهاي بتني توزيع برق # Journal
مطالعه اثرات جريان سرگردانAC با ولتاژ بالا بر بتن به كمك روش طيف نگار امپدانس الكتروشيميايي # Journal
Correcting Nonuniform CP Potential Distribution and Interference Problems in a Gas Compressor Station # Journal
Protecting Concrete Power Poles from Stray Alternating Current # Journal
Stray Alternating Current and Envronmental Effects on Concrete Power Poles # Journal
تاثيرجريان سرگردانAC برسازه هاي بتني # Journal
تاثيرجريان سرگردان AC برسازه هاي بتني # Journal