
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
Electrochemical non-enzymatic sensing of glucose by gold nanoparticles incorporated graphene nanofibers NULL 1398 10 Journal
Fabrication of polypyrrole nanoparticles through electrospraying NULL 1398 05 Journal
Activation in the Presence of Gold Nanoparticles: A Possible Approach to Fabricate Graphene Nanofibers 10.1007/s10904-019-01225-w 1398 03 Journal
Electrospinning of gold nanoparticles incorporated PAN nanofibers via in-situ laser ablation of gold in electrospinning solution NULL 1398 02 Journal
Electrospun graphene oxide incorporated PAN nanofibers, before and after activation NULL 1397 12 Journal
An investigation on the fabrication of conductive polyethylene dioxythiophene (PEDOT) nanofibers through electrospinning NULL 1397 05 Journal
Fabrication of tragacanth and water soluble tragacanth nanoparticles through electrospraying NULL 1397 03 Journal
Electrosprayed Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles NULL 1397 03 Journal
Fabrication of tungsten oxide nanofibers via electrospinning for gasochromic hydrogen detection NULL 1397 01 Journal
Fabrication of cellulose nanoparticles through electrospraying 10.1049/iet-nbt.2018.0044 1396 12 Journal
Controlled release of Doxorubicin embedded in carboxymethyl chitosan nanofibers NULL 1396 10 Journal
Production of conductive electrospun polypyrrole/poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) nanofibers NULL 1396 05 Journal
Controlled release of thiram pesticide from poly (Llactic acid) nanofibers NULL 1396 04 Journal
Release of Aloe vera from Electrospun Aloe vera-PVA Nanofibrous Pad NULL 1395 11 Journal
Hydrophobicity of fluorocarbon-finished electrospun poly (acrylonitrile) nanofibrous webs NULL 1395 11 Journal
Fractionation and some physicochemical properties of almond gum (Amygdalus communis L.) exudates NULL 1395 07 Journal
Fabrication of electrospun almond gum/PVA nanofibers as a thermostable delivery system for vanillin NULL 1395 07 Journal
A study on the release kinetics and mechanisms of vanillin incorporated in almond gum/ polyvinyl alcohol composite nanofibers in different aqueous food simulants and simulated saliva NULL 1395 03 Journal
تول يد نانو ا لياف كربن فعال حاوي نانو ذرات اكسيدروي از پيش ماده پلي اكريلو نيتريل حاوي نانو ذرات اكسيدروي 1395 02 Conference دهمين كنفرانس ملي مهندسي نساجي ايران
تو ل يد الياف پلي استر شبه اكريليك از آميزه پليمري حاوي پلي استر اصلاح شد ه و بررسي برخي خواص حرارتي و رنگ پذيري الياف حاصله 1395 02 Conference دهمين كنفرانس ملي مهندسي نساجي ايران