
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
The tribological properties of Cu-Ni3Al-MoS2 composite coating deposited by magnetron sputtering # Journal
ساخت كامپوزيت سطحي AZ91/MgxCuy با استفاده از فرايند اصطكاكي اغتشاشي و بررسي رفتار سايشي آن پس از عمليات حرارتي T6 # Journal
Effect of friction stir processing on microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ91C magnesium cast alloy weld zone # Journal
Oxidation and electrical behavior of CuFe2O4 spinel coated Crofer 22 APU stainless steel for SOFC interconnect application # Journal
Formation mechanism crystallite growth and electrical conductivityof nano-crystalline CuxFe3-xO4(0.75 x 1.25) spinels prepared byglycine-nitrate process # Journal
Microstructural evolution and recrystallization kinetics of a cold rolled ferrite-martensite structure during intercritical annealing # Journal
The influence of volume fraction of martensite and ferrite grain size on ultimate tensile strength and maximum uniform true strain of dual phase steel # Journal
Effects of Friction Stir Process Parameters on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Aluminium Powder Metallurgy Parts # Journal
High temperature oxidation behavior of micro/nanostructured WC-Co coatings deposited from Ni-coated powders using high velocity oxygen fuel spraying # Journal
Thermodynamic analysis of nanostructured (Fe Cr)3Al formation during mechanical alloying # Journal
ساخت و بررسي مورفولوژي پوشش كامپوزيتي Cu-Ni3Al-MoS2 با استفاده از روش رسوب فيزيكي بخار # Journal
Recrystallisation mechanism during friction stir welding of ultrafine- and coarse-grained AISI 304L stainless steel # Journal
بررسي تاثير فرآيند اصطكاكي اغتشاشي و عمليات حرارتي T6 بر خواص سايشي منطقه روكش كاري شده آلياژ ريختگيC 91 AZ # Journal
Thermodynamic analysis of nanostructured (Fe,Cr)3Al formation during mechanical alloying 10.1080/14328917.2015.1109174 Journal
Fabrication and characterization of nanostructured functionally graded Ni-p electroless coating # Journal
Ferrite-martensite band formation during the intercritical annealing # Journal
Gas tungsten arc welding and friction stir welding of ultrafine grained AISI 304L stainless steel Microstructural and mechanical behavior characterization # Journal
Wear characteristics of functionally graded nanocrystalline Ni-P coatings # Journal
Two-stage amorphization reaction in Ni-Nb-Zr system # Journal
Effect of Milling Intensity on Mechanical Alloying of Cu-Zr-Al System # Journal