
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
Robust sensor fault detection and isolation scheme for interconnected smart power systems in presence of RER and EVs using unknown input observer NULL 1396 10 Journal
Determining optimal virtual inertia and frequency control parameters to preserve the frequency stability in islanded microgrids with high penetration of renewables NULL 1396 10 Journal
Index based voltage dip consideration in optimal planning of SDGs by applying a modified Monte Carlo simulation method NULL 1396 10 Journal
Comprehensive investigation of the voltage relay for anti-islanding protection of synchronous distributed generation NULL 1396 08 Journal
Stochastic scenario based generation scheduling in industrial microgrids NULL 1396 08 Journal
A Current Limiting Strategy to Improve Fault Ride-Through of Inverter Interfaced Autonomous Microgrids NULL 1396 06 Journal
Evaluating the benefits of coordinated emerging flexible resources in electricity markets NULL 1396 05 Journal
Market Transactions of PEV Parking Lots in the Presence of Wind Generation 1396 03 Conference 2017 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2017 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC/ICPS Europe)
A bottom-up approach for demand response aggregators participation in electricity markets NULL 1395 11 Journal
Synchronous DG Planning for Simultaneous Improvement of Technical Overcurrent and Timely Anti-Islanding Protection Indices of the Network to Preserve Protection Coordination NULL 1395 11 Journal
Flexible interaction of plug-in electric vehicle parking lots for efficient wind integration NULL 1395 07 Journal
Optimal trading of plug-in electric vehicle aggregation agents in a market environment for sustainability NULL 1395 07 Journal
Expected security constrained reactive power planning NULL 1395 04 Journal
Hierarchical Plug-in EV Control Based on Primary Frequency Response in Interconnected Smart Grid 1395 02 Conference بيست وچهارمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
Simultaneous participation of Demand Response aggregators in ancillary services and Demand Response exchange markets 1395 02 Conference Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T and D) 2016 IEEE/PES
Automated Online EV Virtual Power Plant Based Primary Reserve in Interconnected Power Systems 1394 12 Conference چهارمين كنگره بين المللي اتوماسيون صنعت برق
Multi agent electric vehicle control based primary frequency support for future smart micro-grid 1394 10 Conference كنفرانس شبكه هاي هوشمند 94
Strategic Offering for a Price-Maker Wind Power Producer in Oligopoly Markets Considering Demand Response Exchange NULL 1394 09 Journal
Impacts of Stochastic Demand Response Resource Scheduling on Large Scale Wind Power Integration 1394 07 Conference 2015 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference(AUPEC)
A combined method to efficiently adjust frequency-based anti-islanding relays of synchronous distributed generation NULL 1394 07 Journal