
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
SrAl2O4:Eu2+: Dy3+/ WO3/ polyester Nanocomposite as a Highly Efficient and Environmentally Friendly Photocatalyst for Removal of Dyes from Industrial Wastes 10.1016/j.enmm.2019.100273 1398 07 Journal
Synthesis of a highly fluorescent N , N -dimethyl benzylamine-palladium(II) curcuminate complex and its application for determination of trace amounts of water in organic solvents 10.1002/bio.3697 1398 04 Journal
كاربردهاي نانوذرات مبدل بالا در تصويربرداري زيستي، آزمونهاي زيستي و درمان NULL 1397 02 Journal
Adsorption of tetracycline from water using glutaraldehyde-crosslinked electrospun nanofibers of chitosan/poly(vinyl alcohol) 10.2166/wst.2018.010 1396 12 Journal
مقايسه عملكرد منابع نوري ليزر، ديود و تنگستن در ساخت ميكروسكوپ فلوئورسانسي ارزان قيمت و كاربرد ميكروسكوپ ساخته شده در تصوير برداري از باكتري NULL 1396 11 Journal
Quenching-free chemiluminescence method for ranking the antioxidants and inhibition of AAPH-induced membrane peroxidation of red blood cells using new aminophenol derivative NULL 1396 09 Journal
Synthesis of Rhodamine B Fe3O4 nanoparticles and their antibacterial effects on the Enterobactor aerogenes 1396 06 Conference بيست و چهارمين سمينار شيمي تجزيه انجمن شيمي ايران
Synthesis of fluorescein-modified magnetic nanoparticles and study on the their antibacterial effects 1396 06 Conference بيست و چهارمين سمينار شيمي تجزيه انجمن شيمي ايران
Surface modification of Nizimuddinia zanardini and Stoechospermum marginatum using 4-phenyl-3-thiosemicarbazide to improve heavy metals biosorption from water 10.1007/s13762-017-1441-9 1396 04 Journal
سنتز و شناسايي تركيب جديد 2-نيتروژن، 6-نيتروژن دي( تيازول-2-ايل)پيريدين-2و6-دي كربوكسيلاميد و كاربرد آن در حذفCd2 و Zn2 از پساب هاي صنعتي NULL 1395 04 Journal
Novel magnetic polyamic hydrazide nanocomposite Preparation characterization and application for the removal of cd2 and pb2 from industrial wastes NULL 1394 07 Journal
Synthesis of polyamic hydrazide and its application for removal of heavy metal ions from industrial wastes NULL 1394 02 Journal
Fast and selective determination of ammonia in aqueous solutions using immobilized iron(III) oxide nanoparticles on the agarose membrane NULL 1394 01 Journal
Removal of Cd2 and Zn2 from industrial wastes using novel NULL 1394 01 Journal
Highly selective and sensitive optical sensor for determination of Pb2 and Hg2 ions based on the covalent immobilization of dithizone on agarose membrane NULL 1393 11 Journal
حذف آلاينده فنل از آب با استفاده از اسفنج پلي يورتان با روش جذب سطحي 1393 11 Conference دومين همايش ملي برنامه ريزي، حفاظت و حمايت از محيط زيست و توسعه پايدار
Synthesis of Layered Double Hydroxides Containing a Biodegradable Amino Acid Derivative and Their Application for Effective Removal of Cyanide from Industrial Wastes NULL 1393 10 Journal
Synthesis and Structure Studies of 4-Phenyl-3-Thiosemicarbazide Modified Magnetic Nanoparticles and Application in the Removal of Heavy Metal Ions 1392 12 Conference بيستمين سمينار شيمي تجزيه ايران
Magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles modified with novel polyamic hydrazide and their application for removal of Cd(II) Pb(II) from wastewater samples 1392 12 Conference بيستمين سمينار شيمي تجزيه ايران
Synthesis and application of novel Al-Mg layered double hydroxid with biodegradable counter ions for removal of cyanide ions from industrial wastes 1392 12 Conference بيستمين سمينار شيمي تجزيه ايران