مروري بر توسعه كاربرد مفاهيم اكسرژي در ارزيابي عملكرد فرآيندهاي صنعتي و تجهيزات عملياتي |
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Improving thermal characteristics and stability of phase change material containing TiO 2 nanoparticles after thermal cycles for energy storage |
10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2017.06.023 |
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Influence of orientation and roughness of heater surface on critical heat flux and pool boiling heat transfer coefficient of nanofluid |
10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2017.06.025 |
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جوشش استخري نانوسيال آب/ SiO2 و بررسي مشخصات جوشش و زبري سطح |
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Adsorption and Desorption Processes of Chromium Ions Using Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles and Their Relevant Mechanism |
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پليمريزاسيون پيوندي متيل متاكريلات بر سطح نشاسته ذرت در محيط آبي براي تهيه يك زيست پلاستيك فرايند پذير |
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Thermal characterization of obtained microencapsulated paraffin under optimal conditions for thermal energy storage |
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Experimental analysis of magnetic field effect on the pool boiling heat transfer of a ferrofluid |
10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2016.10.019 |
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Continuous dosing of fast initiator during vinyl chloride suspension polymerization Thermal stability of PVC resin |
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Continuous dosing of fast initiator during vinyl chloride suspension polymerization Polymerization rate and PVC properties |
10.1002/app.44079 |
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Continuous Dosing of Fast Initiator during Suspension Polymerization of Vinyl Chloride for Enhanced Productivity Mathematical Modeling and Experimental Study |
10.1080/00986445.2016.1205981 |
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بررسي تجربي انتقال حرارت جوشش استخري فروسيال بر روي سطوح رسوبگذاري شده توسط نانوسيال |
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Influences of Initiator Addition Methods in Suspension Polymerization of Vinyl Chloride on Poly(vinyl chloride) Particles Properties |
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Mathematical modeling of drying of potato slices in a forced convective dryer based on important parameters |
10.1002/fsn3.258 |
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مروري جامع برضريب نفوذ و ضرايب انتقال جرم در نانوسيالات و كاربرد آن در فرآيند جذب گاز |
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Experimental investigation of water self-diffusion coefficient and tracer diffusion coefficient of tert-butanol in water-based silica nanofluids |
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Hydrogen Sulfide Bubble Absorption Enhancement in Water-Based nanofluids |
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Enhancement of Nickel Biosorption on Fungal Biomass by Enzymatic and Alkali Pretreatments |
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Experimental investigation of mass transfer of active ions in silica nanofluids |
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