
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
شبيه سازي كامپيوتري تعيين درصد تغييرحالت و سختي در عمليات حرارتي كوئنچ فولادها 1393 08 Conference هشتمين همايش مشترك و سومين كنفرانس بين المللي مواد مهندسي و متالورژي
Design of a new Ni-free austenitic stainless steel with unique ultrahigh strength-high ductility synergy NULL 1393 08 Journal
Microstructural investigation on deformation behavior of high purity Fe-Cr-Ni austenitic alloys during tensile testing at different temperatures NULL 1393 08 Journal
مقايسه رفتار خوردگي آلياژ هايNiTi NiTiCo و بررسي اندازه دانه بر روند خوردگي اين آلياژها 1393 07 Conference پانزدهمين كنگره ملي خوردگي
Characterization of the Ultrafine/Nanoparticles of Cobalt Synthesized by Electromagnetic Levitational Gas Condensation Method 1393 07 Conference 5th International Congress on Nonoscience Nanotechnology(ICNN2014)
Influence of precooling and deformation temperature on microstructure and mechanical properties in a high-manganese austenitic steel NULL 1393 06 Journal
Investigation of the effect of grain size on the strain-induced martensitic transformation in a high-Mn stainless steel using nanoindentation NULL 1393 05 Journal
Effects of initial microstructure and thermomechanical processing parameters on microstructures and mechanical properties of ultrafine grained dual phase steels NULL 1393 05 Journal
Enhanced mechanical properties in a high-manganese austenitic steel through formation of nanograins nano twinned austenite grains nano carbides and TRIP NULL 1393 04 Journal
The effect of thermomechanical processing on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the nanocrystalline TiNiCo shape memory alloy NULL 1393 03 Journal
An apparatus for real time study of free dendritic growth Design manufacture and testing 1393 03 Conference Iran International Aluminium Conference 2014 ( IIAC 2014)
Formation of the Nanocrystalline Structure in an Equiatomic NiTi Shape-Memory Alloy by Thermomechanical Processing NULL 1393 01 Journal
The effect of cold rolling and annealing on microstructure and tensile properties of the nanostructured Ni50Ti50 shape memory alloy NULL 1393 01 Journal
Formation of Nano/ultrafine Grain Structure in a Ti-modified 201L Stainless Steel through Martensite Thermomechanical Treatment NULL 1393 01 Journal
Effect of pH on the Synthesis of Zn0.4Fe2.6O4 Magnetic Nanoparticles by Hydrothermal Method 1392 12 Conference 5th International Conference on Nanostructures (ICNS5)
تاثير تركيب شيميايي بر ريزساختار و خواص مكانيكي فولادهاي زنگ نزن آستنيتي نيمه پايدار در فرآيند ترمومكانيكي پيشرفته 1392 12 Conference سمپوزيوم فولاد 92
بررسي تاثير دماي آستنيته و سرعت سرد كردن از دماي آستنيته بر روي ريزساختار و خواص مكانيكي ميلگرد فولادي پيش تنيده 1392 12 Conference سمپوزيوم فولاد 92
تاثير نيوبيوم بر خواص مكانيكي فولاد كم كربن نانوساختار توليد شده به روش ترمومكانيكي مارتنزيت 1392 12 Conference سمپوزيوم فولاد 92
The Effect of Intercritical Annealing Time on the Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of an Ultrafine Grained Dual Phase Steel Containing Niobium NULL 1392 10 Journal
ساخت آلياژ حافظه دار TiNiCo نانو ساختار ب روش ترمومكانيكي 1392 08 Conference The second International and The Seventh Joint Conference of Iranian Metallurgical engineering and Iranian Foundrymen Scientific Societies