
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
Vehicle Pricing considering EVs Promotion and Public Transportation Investment under Governmental policies on sustainable Transportation Development: The case of Norway 10.1016/j.tranpol.2024.05.017 1403 02 Journal
Investigating the impact of government policies to develop sustainable transportation and promote electric cars, considering fossil fuel subsidies elimination: A case of Norway NULL 1402 07 Journal
Pricing for different return policies in an online marketplace considering appeasement during a post-return out-of-stock NULL 1402 06 Journal
A stackelberg differential game theoretic approach for analyzing coordination strategies in a supply chain with retailer's premium store brand NULL 1402 02 Journal
A game theoretic approach for advertising and pricing decisions using a new environmental transparency-based demand function considering different government policies NULL 1402 01 Journal
An Integrated Game Theoretic Model and Network Data Envelopment Analysis to Determine Optimal Export Allocation to Industrial Units (A Case study of the Stone Industry) NULL 1401 06 Journal
به كارگيري روشي مبتني بر گراف براي شناسايي نقاط عطف بهينه سري زماني مالي NULL 1401 03 Journal
An integrated model of network Data Envelopment Analysis and principal component analysis approach to calculate the efficiency of industrial units (A Case study of the Stone Industry) NULL 1401 01 Journal
A binary integer programming (BIP) model for optimal financial turning points detection NULL 1400 11 Journal
شناسايي استراتژي معامالتي بهينه در بورس اوراق بهادار،با استفاده از برنامه ريزي پويا NULL 1400 10 Journal
ارائه مدلي مبتني بر برنامه ريزي پويا، به منظور بهينه سازي فرآيند شناسايي سيستم معاملات اوراق بهادار 1400 08 Conference هجدهمين كنفرانس بين المللي مهندسي صنايع
A game theoretic approach for integrated pricing, lot-sizing and advertising decisions in a dual-channel supply chain NULL 1400 07 Journal
شناسايي نقاط عطف بهينه سري زماني مالي با استفاده از شمارش كامل 1400 07 Conference چهاردهمين كنفرانس بين المللي انجمن ايراني تحقيق در عمليات
Pricing, greening, and transparency decisions considering the impact of government subsidies and CSR behavior in supply chain decisions 10.1016/j.jretconser.2021.102485 1400 02 Journal
A game theoretic approach for analyzing the competition between national and store brands by considering store loyalty NULL 1399 10 Journal
An evolutionary game theoretic model for analyzing retailers' behavior when introducing economy and premium private labels NULL 1399 08 Journal
An augmented Tabu search algorithm for the green inventory-routing problem with time windows NULL 1399 08 Journal
An evolutionary game theoretic model for analyzing retailers' behavior when introducing economy and premium private labels NULL 1399 05 Journal
Game theoretical approach to price a product under two-echelon supply chain containing e-tail selling channel NULL 1399 04 Journal