
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
Investigation of high temperature wear resistance of electroless nickel coating with different contents of phosphorous NULL 1395 02 Journal
Evaluation of Wear Properties for Ni P Electroless Coatings NULL 1394 12 Journal
Fabrication and characterization of nanostructured functionally graded Ni-p electroless coating NULL 1394 10 Journal
Wear characteristics of functionally graded nanocrystalline Ni-P coatings NULL 1394 07 Journal
The effect of B4C nanoparticles on the corrosion and tribological behavior of electroless Ni-B-B4C composite coatings NULL 1394 07 Journal
Novel investigation on Nanostructured Multilayer and Functionally Graded Ni-P Electroless Coatings on Stainless Steel NULL 1394 04 Journal
Comparison of H-Cr single layer and Ni-P/H-Cr duplex coating NULL 1394 01 Journal
Structure Texture and Magnetic Properties of Laser-Welded Ultrathin Fe Co V Foils NULL 1393 11 Journal
PVA assisted electroless Ni-P coating of carbon fibers NULL 1393 10 Journal
Electroless deposition of graded Ni-P coatings NULL 1393 10 Journal
Electroless Ni-P/B-B4C duplex composite coatings for improving the corrosion and tribological behavior of CK45 steel NULL 1393 10 Journal
Analysis and characterization of microstructural evolutions mechanical response and fracture mechanism of laser welded Fe Co V ultra-thin foils NULL 1393 10 Journal
The Effect of Erosion on Corrosion Protection Properties of Coal Tar Epoxy Coating NULL 1393 04 Journal
Electron beam assisted joining of nanograin-sized Fe-Co-V magnetic foils Study and optimization of magnetic properties of weld joints NULL 1393 04 Journal
Magnetic properties assessment of laser welded ultra-thin Fe Co V foils NULL 1393 01 Journal
تشكيل و بررسي اثر درصد CNT بر رفتار خوردگي پوشش الكترولس كامپوزيتي Ni-P-CNT NULL 1392 10 Journal
High temperature friction and wear behaviour of Ni-P-Ag-Al2O3 hybrid nanocomposite coating NULL 1392 04 Journal
Novel investigation on tribological properties of Ni P Ag Al2O3 hybrid nanocomposite coatings NULL 1392 03 Journal
High temperature tribology of nanocrystalline Ni P Ag coating NULL 1392 02 Journal
ارزيابي تحولات فازي و خواص مكانيكي پوششهاي كامپوزيتي آمورف و نانوساختار Ni-P-Ag 1391 08 Conference اولين همايش بين المللي و ششمين همايش مشترك انجمن مهندسي متالورژي و انجمن ريخته گري ايران