
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Sintering and Characterization of WC-20wt. (Fe Co) Nano-Structured Powders Developed by Ball-Milling # Journal
توليد و بهينه سازي پوشش نانوكامپوزيتي زمينه فلزي Ni-Fe Ti W C به روش رسوب گذاري الكتريكي # Journal
Developing Al2O3-TiC in-situ nanocomposite by SHS and analyzing the effects of Al content and mechanical activation on microstructure # Journal
Development of electro-co-deposited Ni-TiC nano-particle reinforced nanocomposite coatings # Journal
Preparation of Al SiC Al2O3 metal matrix composite powder by mechanochemical reaction between Al SiO2 and C # Journal
Synthesis Characterization and Optimization of Nanostructured Fe Ni Coatings by Electrodeposition Method # Journal
identification of imitate gold and silveras metalic pigments used in an illuminated Persian manuscript by SEM/EDS and optical microscopy # Journal
Corrosion behavior of HVOF sprayed coatings of Ni TiC and Ni (Ti W)C SHS produced composite powders and Ni TiC mixed powder # Journal
comparison between tribological behavior of HVOF coatings produced from conventional Ni TiC powder mixture and Ni-TiC Ni-Ti W)C composite powders # Journal
Development of Ni TiC and Ni (Ti W)C composite powders for high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) coating and characterisation of coatings # Journal
Carbothermic reduction of mechanically activated hematite graphite copper mixture # Journal
Study of structure and usage of mechanically alloyed nanocrystalline Ti Cu Zn powders in powder metallurgy # Journal
مطالعه تغييرات ساختاري مخلوط Cu-Ni-Zn در توليد آلياژهاي نيكل سيلور به روش آلياژ سازي مكانيكي # Journal
Comprehensive failure analysis of rollers of roller screen used in iron ore pelletizing plants Conference
Characterization and repairing defects analysis of MMC- HVOF coated rollers of roller screen used in iron ore pelletizing plants Conference
Failure analysis and microstructure investigation of casted mill diaphragm Conference
Comprehensive Effects of Microstructure and morphology characteristics of WC-Co on hardness and density as a functional properties Conference
بررسي عملكرد آندي كامپوزيت 4O3Co-W-Pb توليدشده به روش نورد تجمعي پيوندي در فرايند الكترووينينگ روي Conference
عارضه يابي و مشخصه يابي سنبه هاي مورد استفاده در دستگاه پرچ كاتد مس Conference