Sintering and Characterization of WC-20wt. (Fe Co) Nano-Structured Powders Developed by Ball-Milling |
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توليد و بهينه سازي پوشش نانوكامپوزيتي زمينه فلزي Ni-Fe Ti W C به روش رسوب گذاري الكتريكي |
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Developing Al2O3-TiC in-situ nanocomposite by SHS and analyzing the effects of Al content and mechanical activation on microstructure |
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Development of electro-co-deposited Ni-TiC nano-particle reinforced nanocomposite coatings |
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Preparation of Al SiC Al2O3 metal matrix composite powder by mechanochemical reaction between Al SiO2 and C |
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Synthesis Characterization and Optimization of Nanostructured Fe Ni Coatings by Electrodeposition Method |
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identification of imitate gold and silveras metalic pigments used in an illuminated Persian manuscript by SEM/EDS and optical microscopy |
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Corrosion behavior of HVOF sprayed coatings of Ni TiC and Ni (Ti W)C SHS produced composite powders and Ni TiC mixed powder |
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comparison between tribological behavior of HVOF coatings produced from conventional Ni TiC powder mixture and Ni-TiC Ni-Ti W)C composite powders |
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Development of Ni TiC and Ni (Ti W)C composite powders for high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) coating and characterisation of coatings |
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Carbothermic reduction of mechanically activated hematite graphite copper mixture |
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Study of structure and usage of mechanically alloyed nanocrystalline Ti Cu Zn powders in powder metallurgy |
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مطالعه تغييرات ساختاري مخلوط Cu-Ni-Zn در توليد آلياژهاي نيكل سيلور به روش آلياژ سازي مكانيكي |
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Comprehensive failure analysis of rollers of roller screen used in iron ore pelletizing plants |
Conference |
Characterization and repairing defects analysis of MMC- HVOF coated rollers of roller screen used in iron ore pelletizing plants |
Conference |
Failure analysis and microstructure investigation of casted mill diaphragm |
Conference |
Comprehensive Effects of Microstructure and morphology characteristics of WC-Co on hardness and density as a functional properties |
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بررسي عملكرد آندي كامپوزيت 4O3Co-W-Pb توليدشده به روش نورد تجمعي پيوندي در فرايند الكترووينينگ روي |
Conference |
عارضه يابي و مشخصه يابي سنبه هاي مورد استفاده در دستگاه پرچ كاتد مس |
Conference |