The Use of Raw and Thermally-Modified Calcareous Sludge Generated in Stone Cutting Industry for Sulfur Dioxide Removal |
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بهينه سازي حذف رنگزاي قرمز 46 به وسيله جاذب پليمري- مغناطيسي تهيه شده از الياف پلي اكريلونيتريل |
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Removal of phenol and phosphate from aqueous solutions using activated carbons prepared from oily sludge through physical and chemical activation |
10.2166/wst.2019.305 |
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استفاده از جاذب كامپوزيتي تهيه شده از لجن نفتي و پسماند ليگنوسلولزي براي حذف فورفورال از محلولهاي آبي: مقايسه روش كربونيزاسيون و فعالسازي |
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مقايسه مدلهاي خطي و غيرخطي سينتيك و همدماي جذب روي از محلول آبي بهوسيله زغال زيستي |
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Preparation and characterization of novel bio ion exchanger from medicinal T herb waste (chicory) for the removal of Pb2+ and Cd2+ from aqueous solutions |
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The use of steel slags in the heterogeneous Fenton process for decreasing the chemical oxygen demand of oil refinery wastewater |
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ارزيابي ريسك آلودگي آرسنيك در دشت همدان - بهار با استفاده از روش فازي |
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Comparative study on adsorption of crude oil and spent engine oil from seawater and freshwater using algal biomass |
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Preparation of nanoparticle modified polymeric adsorbent using wastage fuzzes of mechanized carpet and its application in dye removal from aqueous solution |
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Evaluating the statistical performance of less applied algorithms in classification of worldview-3 imagery data in an urbanized landscape |
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اثر آلاينده هاي ناشي از سوختن بنزين بر برخي خصوصيات آناتوميكي، فيزيولوژيكي و مورفولوژيكي اسفناج |
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Impact of agricultural activities on accumulation of Cadmium, Cobalt, Chromium, Copper, Nickel and Lead in soil of Hamedan province |
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Photocatalytic removal of SO2 using natural zeolite modified by TiO2 and polyoxypropylene surfactant |
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Characterization of barley straw biochar produced in various temperatures and its effect on lead and cadmium removal from aqueous solutions |
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Impact assessment of agricultural activities on heavy metal accumulation in soil |
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ارزيابي احتمال آلودگي آرسنيك در آب زيرزميني دشت همدان بهار با استفاده از روشهاي زمين آماري |
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Bentonite surface modification and characterization for high selective phosphate adsorption from aqueous media and its application for wastewater treatments |
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مروري بر كاربردهاي كانيهاي رسي در محيطزيست |
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اثر تغييرات الگوي مكاني سيماي سرزمين بر كيفيت آب رودخانه زاينده رود |
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