
type: Journal
Title DOI Year Month type
The effect of welding heat input on the structure-property relationship of a new grade super duplex stainless steel NULL 1399 01 Journal
Microstructural and Mechanical Evaluations of Transient Liquid Phase Bonded In X-750/BNi-3/SAF 2205 NULL 1399 01 Journal
Abnormal grain growth during annealing in the Al/Al2O3/ composite produced by accumulative roll bonding NULL 1399 01 Journal
EBSD characterization of the L-605 Co-based alloy welds processed by pulsed Nd:YAG laser welding NULL 1399 01 Journal
Characterization of Microstructure and Texture across N155 Superalloy Weldment Joint with Austenitic Filler Metal NULL 1399 01 Journal
Effects of ERNiCr-3 butter layer on the microstructure and mechanical properties of API 5L X65/AISI304 dissimilar joint NULL 1398 11 Journal
Microstructure and Mechanical Characterization Study in the IN718/BNi-2/316L Joint by Transient Liquid Phase Bonding Process NULL 1398 11 Journal
Corrosion and Electrochemical Conditions of Pipeline Steel under Tape Coating Disbondments: Effect of Disbondment Gap Size and Morphology NULL 1398 10 Journal
The PC-GTAW of Ti-6Al-4V Thin Sheets and Its Effects on Mechanical and Microstructural Properties NULL 1398 09 Journal
Properties of IN X-750/BNi-2/SAF 2205 joints formed by transient liquid phase bonding NULL 1398 09 Journal
Fabrication of In-Situ Nickel Intermetallic Compound Dispersed Aluminum Matrix Composites by Friction Stir Process NULL 1398 07 Journal
Microstructure and mechanical characterization of Incoloy 825 Ni-based alloy welded to 2507 super duplex stainless steel through dissimilar friction stir welding NULL 1398 04 Journal
Effect of Welding Parameters on the Microstructure and Tensile Properties of Friction Stir-Welded DP600 Steel NULL 1398 04 Journal
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Inconel 617/AISI 310 Electron Beam Welds NULL 1398 04 Journal
Micro-texture and corrosion behavior of dissimilar joints of UNS S32750 stainless steel/UNS N08825 Ni-based superalloy NULL 1398 03 Journal
Investigation of powder fed laser cladding of NiCr-chromium carbides single-tracks on titanium aluminide substrate NULL 1398 03 Journal
Influence of hydrothermal treatment on the surface characteristics and electrochemical behavior of Ti-6Al-4V bio-functionalized through plasma electrolytic oxidation NULL 1398 03 Journal
type: Conference
Title Year Month type Conference Title
بررسي اثر دما بر ساختار و خواص مكانيكي اتصال فاز مايع گذرا (TLP ) اينكونل و فولاد زنگ نزن 1398 08 Conference بيستمين كنفرانس ملي جوش و بازرسي و نهمين كنفرانس ملي آزمايش هاي غيرمخرب
ارزيابي خواص متالورژيكي و مكانيكي جوش هاي مقاومتي نقطه اي فولاد توسعه يافته فوق استحكام بالاي پيشرفته 1398 08 Conference بيستمين كنفرانس ملي جوش و بازرسي و نهمين كنفرانس ملي آزمايش هاي غيرمخرب
The assessment of growth kinetics in the intermetallic layers of Al-AlxNiy-Ni laminate composites 1398 05 Conference 7th International Conference on Recrystallization and Grain Growth