شناسايي و اولويت بندي عوامل كليدي موفقيت پياده سازي لجستيك الكترونيك در شهرك سلامت اصفهان |
1395 - 07 |
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Order acceptance and due-date quotation in low machine rates |
10.1016/j.apm.2013.10.022 |
1393 - 01 |
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Due-date assignment and machine scheduling in a low machine-rate situation with stochastic processing times |
10.1016/j.cor.2012.11.013 |
1392 - 01 |
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Machine scheduling in the presence of sequence-dependent setup times and a rate-modifying activity |
10.1080/00207543.2011.649801 |
1391 - 09 |
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