
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type Conference Title
Impact of Loop-back Interference and Channel Estimation Errors on Full-duplex Relay Networks NULL 1395 - 10 Journal
جهت دهي پرتو انرژي با محدوديت توان روي هر آنتن 1395 - 03 Conference NULL
Power Allocation and Measurement Matrix Design for Block CS-Based Distributed MIMO Radars NULL 1395 - 03 Journal
Image restoration with regularization convex optimization approach NULL 1395 - 01 Journal
Energy Efficiency Optimization of One-Way And Two-Way DF Relaying Considering Circuit Power NULL 1394 - 11 Journal
Delay Tolerance Aware Queueing and Scheduling for Differentiated Services in Dynamic Survivable WDM Networks NULL 1394 - 04 Journal
Energy allocation for parameter estimation in block CS-based distributed MIMO systems 1394 - 03 Conference 2015 International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA)
آشكارسازي و تخمين در رادارهاي MIMO مبتني بر حسگري فشرده فضايي بلوكي 1394 - 02 Conference بيست و سومين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
Performance Analysis of One-Way Relay Networks with Channel Estimation Errors and Loop-back Interference 1394 - 02 Conference بيست و سومين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
Regularization convex optimization method with l-curve estimation in image restoration 1393 - 08 Conference 4th International Conference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering
Tunable Availability-Aware and Bandwidth Efficient Provisioning in Optical Mesh Networks 1393 - 02 Conference 22nd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE 2014)
Reliable network infrastructure for railway systems to support future services 1392 - 02 Conference 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Railway Engineering (ICRARE 2013)
Impact of Channel Estimation Errors and Power Allocation on Analog Network Coding and Routing in Two-Way Relaying NULL 1391 - 06 Journal
Outage-dependent and traditional power optimisations for amplify and forward incremental relaying with channel estimation errors NULL 1391 - 04 Journal
Outage Probability and Power allocation of Amplify and Forward Relay Links with Channel Estimation Errors NULL 1389 - 10 Journal
A NEW POWER ALLOCATION SCHEME FOR AMPLIFY AND FORWARD INCREMENTAL RELAYING 1388 - 03 Conference The 10th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications
Multistage decoding for an internally coded fibre-optic time-hopping/optical code division multiple access communication system NULL 1388 - 01 Journal
Statistical Properties of Amplify and Forward Relay Links with Channel Estimation Errors 1387 - 11 Conference The 10th Australian Communications Theory Workshop
Internally coded time-hopping coherent ultra-short light pulse code division multiple access scheme with optical amplifier and its performance analysis using additive noise model NULL 1387 - 10 Journal