
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
Area-based scenario development in land-use change modeling: A system dynamics-assisted approach for mixed agricultural-residential landscapes NULL 1402 06 Journal
Evaluation and improvement of the resilience of a transportation system against epidemic diseases: A system dynamics approach 10.1016/j.tranpol.2022.11.009 1401 12 Journal
Evaluation and improvement of the urban transportation networks resilience in short-term non-recurring traffic congestion: a novel graph connectivity-based criteria 10.1016/j.treng.2022.100152 1401 08 Journal
Modeling location-allocation of emergency medical service stations and ambulance routing problems considering the variability of events and recurrent traffic congestion: A real case study 10.1016/ 1401 08 Journal
Developing public transportation resilience against the epidemic through government tax policies: A game-theoretic approach 10.1016/j.tranpol.2022.09.013 1401 08 Journal
Reducing traffic congestion and increasing sustainability in special urban areas through one-way traffic reconfiguration 10.1007/s11116-020-10162-4 1400 11 Journal
Sustainability in the evaluation of bus rapid transportation projects considering both managers and passengers perspectives: A triple-level efficiency evaluation approach 10.1080/15568318.2021.1963507 1400 05 Journal
Reliable Urban Transportation Network Design Problem Considering Recurrent Traffic Congestions 10.22059/jieng.2021.326142.1784 1400 04 Journal
Origin-Destination Matrix Estimation Using Socio-Economic Information and Traffic Counts on Uncongested Networks NULL 1399 07 Journal
The origins, development and future directions of data envelopment analysis approach in transportation systems NULL 1398 12 Journal
A sustainable approach for selecting and timing the urban transportation infrastructure projects in large-scale networks: A case study of Isfahan, Iran NULL 1398 10 Journal
A hybrid egalitarian bargaining game-DEA and sustainable network design approach for evaluating, selecting and scheduling urban road construction projects NULL 1398 06 Journal
A Bi-Objective Integrated Model for the Uncertain Blood Network Design with Raising Products Quality 10.1504/ejie.2019.10021573 1398 05 Journal
Determining the relative importance of sustainability evaluation criteria of urban transportation network NULL 1398 02 Journal
يكطرفه كردن مجموعهاي از خيابانهاي شبكه حمل و نقل شهري با هدف كاهش ترافيك يك منطقه خاص NULL 1398 01 Journal
تحليل مدل بلوغ مديريت دانش APQC توسط ابزار سيستم ديناميكي 1397 11 Conference پانزدهمين كنفرانس بين المللي مهندسي صنايع
Sustainable approach to land development opportunities based on both origin-destination matrix and transportation system constraints, case study: Central business district of Isfahan, Iran NULL 1397 11 Journal
توسعه ي مدل مسيريابي وسايل نقليه با پنجره زماني همراه با انبار عبوري در شرايط وجود تقاضاي چندگانه 1397 11 Conference پانزدهمين كنفرانس بين المللي مهندسي صنايع
A multi-objective integrated model for selecting scheduling and budgeting road construction projects NULL 1397 08 Journal