Wrinkled fabric appearance in uniform waveform by hybrid yarns |
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Online control of knitted fabric quality Loop length control |
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A Novel Method for Porosity Measurement of Various Surface Layers of Nanofibers Mat Using Image Analysis for Tissue Engineering Applications |
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study on properties of wrinkled fabrics woven from hybrid yarns |
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Grading of Yarn Appearance Using Image Analysis and an Artificial Intelligence Technique |
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Development of Apearance Grading Method of Cotton Yarns for Various Types of Yarns |
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Effect of yarn appearance on apparent quality of weft knitted fabric |
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A new aspect of geometrical and physical pinciples applicable to the estimated of textile structures Ideal model for knitted loop |
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تاثير نوع دوپانت در تعيين محدوده رنگي ايجاد شده در لايه الكتروكروميك پلي پيرول |
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توليد لايه الكتروكروميك خودپايدار با استفاده از پليپيرول دوپ شده با SDS |
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The effect of plasticizer on ionic conductivity of the electrospun PEO-based electrolytes applicable in lithium ion batteries |
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Conductivity study of the electrospun PEO-based electrolytes incorporated with TiO2 nanoparticles for use in Lithium ion batteries |
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Metallization of electrospun nanofbers via electroplating process |
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Conducting polymer electrochemical actuator made of polyurethane/polypyrrole nanofibers |
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Application of response surface methodology in optimization of the electrospinning process to fabricate polyurethane nano?bers |
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توليد و بررسي ويژگي ساختارهاي نانوليفي پكتين پوست انار/ پلي وينيل-الكل |
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پيش بيني مدول الاستيك كامپوزيت هاي الياف كوتاه به روش شبكه عصبي |
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توليد نانوالياف پلي كاپرولاكتون حاوي بتاكاروتن جهت كاربرد در درمان اگزما و بررسي خواص آن |
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توليد نانوالياف پلي يورتان/پلي پيرول جهت كاربرد به عنوان ماهيچه مصنوعي |
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تهيه نانوالياف PVP/Gelatin حاوي سيلورسولفاديازين به عنوان پانسمان زخم هاي سوختگي |
Conference |