Studying Effects of Cooling/Lubricating Fluids, Machining Parameters, and Rock Mechanical Properties on Specific Energy in Rock Drilling Process |
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Using effective medium theory to calculate permeability of rock with complex fractures |
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Experimental study of the effect of cooling/lubricating fluids on penetration rate in hard and soft rock drilling process |
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Laboratorial studies for the prediction of rock texture and hardness using vibration measurement while drilling |
10.1007/s10064-021-02465-2 |
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Study of Effect of Cooling/Lubricating Fluids, Machining Parameters, and Rock Mechanical Properties on Penetration Rate in Rock Drilling Process |
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Rock slope stability analysis in the left abutment of Bakhtiary dam, Iran |
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Identifying the Effective Parameters in Soil Arching for Retaining Structure; A case study of Line 2 of Mashhad Subway |
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Seismic Sensitivity Analysis of Rigidity and Thickness of Tunnel Lining by Using Ground_Structure Interaction Method Case Study: Roudbar Lorestan Dam |
10.1007/s10706-020-01576-z |
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Seepage analysis for Soork Dam Foundation |
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انتخاب روش حفاري تونل مترو با روش هاي AHP و TOPSIS |
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Uncertainty Consideration in Rock Mass Blastability Assessment in Open Pit Mines using Monte Carlo Simulation |
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10.17794/rgn.2020.2.2 |
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Wellbore stability analysis to determine the safe mud weight window for sandstone layers |
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Modelling of Flow-Shear Coupling Process in Rough Rock Fractures using Three-Dimensional Finite Volume Approach |
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رابطه تجربي براي نشست زمين در اثر حفر تونل دو قلو مترو اصفهان با TBM |
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Stability analysis and optimization of the support system of an underground powerhouse cavern considering rock mass variability |
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برآورد توزيع حجم بلوك هاي سنگي تشكيل شده در روش المان مجزا با استفاده از شاخص مقاومت زمين شناسي (GSI) |
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ارزيابي آماري پارامترهاي مقاومتي و تغييرشكل پذيري توده سنگ - مطالعه موردي تونلهاي تحت فشار طرح نيروگاه تلمبه ذخيره اي آزاد |
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Prediction of water inflow into underground excavations in fractured rocks using a 3D discrete fracture network (DFN) model |
10.1007/s12517-017-2987-z |
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