A game theoretic approach to designing carbon regulations in a duopoly freight transportation market: Road and multimodal road-rail competitive systems |
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A Game-theoretic approach to an oligopolistic transportation market: Coopetition between incumbent systems subject to the entrance threat of an HSR service |
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Locomotive Assignment Problem with Consideration of Infrastructure and Freight Train Constraints: Mathematical Programming Model and Metaheuristic Solution Approaches |
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Integrated Multi-Level Intermodal Network Design Problem: A Sustainable Approach, Based on Competition of Rail and Road Transportation Systems |
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Analysis of competition between maritime and multimodal land- sea shipping in an international freight transportation market |
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A Game Theoretic Approach to Sustainable Freight Transportation: Competition between Road and Intermodal Road-Rail Systems with Government Intervention |
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An Integrated Production and Transportation Scheduling Problem with Order Acceptance and Resource Allocation Decisions |
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A Game-Theoretic Approach to the Freight Transportation Pricing Problem in the Presence of Intermodal Service Providers in a Competitive Market |
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مدل برنامه ريزي توزيع فرآورده هاي نفتي با لحاظ محدوديت هاي ناوگان و زيرساخت هاي حمل ونقل در ايران |
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Hub network design for integrated Bike-and-Ride services: A competitive approach to reducing automobile dependence |
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Multi-agent supply chain scheduling problem by considering resource allocation and transportation |
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رويكرد نظريه بازي براي مدل سازي رقابت در بازار حمل و نقل جاده اي و ريلي كالا |
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A Novel Dynamic Programming Approach to the Train Marshalling Problem |
10.1109/TITS.2019.2898476 |
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Transit Signal Priority: Proposing a Novel Algorithm to Decrease Delay and Environmental Impacts in BRT Route Intersections |
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Mathematical programming and solution approaches for minimizing tardiness and transportation costs in the supply chain scheduling problem |
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Evaluation of Friction Demand Factor in Loop Ramps of Interchange Facilities |
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ارائه الگوريتم رفع بهينه گلوگاههاي شبكه ريلي با هدف توجيه پذير نمودن برقي سازي محورها، مطالعه موردي محور ريلي ناحيه راه آهن شمال ايران |
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Carpooling Problem: A New Mathematical Model, Branch-and-Bound, and Heuristic Beam Search Algorithm |
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ارائه رويكردي نوين جهت شناسايي و رفع گلوگاههاي ظرفيتي در شبكه هاي ريلي (مطالعه موردي شبكه راه آهن ايران) |
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A Methodology to Prioritize the Construction Projects of New Railway Infrastructures for Privatization in Railway Networks (Case Study Iran) |
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