
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Genetic characterization of free-ranging Asiatic wild ass in Central Asia as a basis for future conservation strategies # Journal
Complementary endozoochorous seed dispersal by large mammals in the Golestan National Park, Iran # Journal
نقش خرس قهوه اي (Ursus arctos) در انتشار بذر گياهان پارك ملي گلستان # Journal
شناسايي مناطق مناسب براي حفاظت از فون پرندگان استان گلستان # Journal
Population estimate and distribution pattern of Indian Ocean humpback dolphin (Sousa plumbea) in an industrialised bay northwestern Persian Gulf # Journal
Space Partitioning among Two Sympatric Species Sand Cat (Felis margarita) and Rppells Fox (Vulpes rueppellii) in a Desert Landscape in Central Iran # Journal
Exploring structural and functional corridors for wild sheep (Ovis orientalis) in a semi-arid area # Journal
Habitat suitability modelling of Persian squirrel (Sciurus anomalus) in Zagros forests western Iran # Journal
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Arid Environments journal homepage: Exploring structural and functional corridors for wild sheep (Ovis orientalis) in a semi-arid area # Journal
پيش بيني توزيع پاييزه و زمستانه بز وحشي در پارك ملي كلا ه قاضي # Journal
Altitudinal Heterogeneity and Vulnerability Assessment of Protected Area Network for Climate Change Adaptation Planning in Central Iran # Journal
ارزيابي پيوستگي سيماي سرزمين و كريدورهاي مهاجرتي آهوي گواتردار در مناطق مركزي ايران # Journal
Using ecological models to explore niche partitioning within a guild of desert felids # Journal
Multispecies assessment of core areas and connectivity of desert carnivores in central Iran # Journal
مطالعه پهنه بندي آلودگي هواي شهر يزد به فلزات سنگين سرب و كادميوم با استفاده از پر قمري خانگي به عنوان شاخص زيستي محيطزيست شهري # Journal
پيش بيني احتمال خشكيدگي جنگلهاي استان لرستان با استفاده از رويكرد مدلسازي تركيبي # Journal
Measuring environmental niche isolation between genetically management units of Goitered gazelle Gazella subgutturosa (Guldenstadt 1970) in Iran # Journal
Effect of landscape features on genetic structure of the Goitered gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa) in Central Iran # Journal
The avifauna of Sabzevar county Khorasan-Razavi northeastern Iran # Journal
Taming the late Quaternary phylogeography of the Eurasiatic wild ass through ancient and modern DNA # Journal