
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Evidence for a novel local acute-phase response in the bovine oviduct Progesterone and lipopolysaccharide up-regulate alpha 1-acid-glycoprotein expression in epithelial cells in vitro 10.1002/mrd.22355 Journal
Accumulation of Eosinophils in the Infundibulum of the Bovine Oviduct Just after Ovulation 10.1292/jvms.13-0130 Journal
Regulation of Innate Immune Function in Bovine Oviduct Epithelial Cells in Culture The Homeostatic Role of Epithelial Cells in Balancing Th1/Th2 Response 10.1262/jrd.2013-036 Journal
اثر مصرف سيلاژ پسماند انار بر مصرف خوراك و برخي متابوليتهاي خون گاوهاي هلشتاين تازه زا Conference
Effect of Fennel Essential Oil (Foeniculum vulgare) and/or Flaxseed Oil on Insulin Resistance Ovarian and Pancreatic Morphology in Polycystic Rat Conference
رديابي سه بعدي اسپرم گاوي با ميكروسكوپي تمامنگاري ديجيتالي Conference
The Effect of fennel essence (Foeniculum vulgare) and Flaxseed oil on body weight change body mass score and ovarian weight in female Wistar rats suffered polycystic ovary syndrome Conference
بررسي اثر نسبت اسيد لينولئيك به اسيد لينولنيك خوراك جامد آغازين بر عملكرد رشد و سلامت گوساله هلشتاين Conference
اثر سطوح مختلف پروتئين تك سلولي و پروبيوتيك بر جمعيت ميكروبي پاتوژن روده كوچك مرغ هاي تخمگذار Conference
Effect of different levels of herbal byproducts blend (rosemary thyme dill and peppermint) in diets containing fish oil on the relative weight of ovary and the number of ovarian follicles of laying hens Conference
The role of oviductal epithelial cells in endocrine and paracrine controls of immune responses Conference
Local immune system in oviduct physiology and pathophysiology Attack or tolerance Conference