
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
توليد همه كدهاي فشرده با محدوديت روي كوچك ترين طول كد NULL 1402 11 Journal
Improved Upper Bounds on the Average Redundancy of Optimal RVLC NULL 1402 10 Journal
On the Diversity-Multiplexing Trade-off of Hybrid Diamond Relay Channels 10.1016/j.phycom.2023.102130 1402 07 Journal
Parameter Tuning of EV Drivers' Charging Behavioral Model using Machine Learning Techniques NULL 1402 05 Journal
On the Shortest Codeword of the Optimal RVLC NULL 1402 04 Journal
شيوه هاي مدل سازي رفتار رانندگان خودروهاي الكتريكي مبتني بر تحليل داده ها 1401 10 Conference هفتمين كنفرانس ملي ايده هاي نو در مهندسي برق
بررسي تأثير رفتار شارژ رانندگان خودروهاي الكتريكي بر وضعيت ازدحام ايستگاه شارژ و پيش بيني ظرفيت آينده 1401 10 Conference هفتمين كنفرانس ملي ايده هاي نو در مهندسي برق
Improving convergence properties of autonomous demand side management algorithms 10.1016/j.ijepes.2022.108764 1401 08 Journal
Enhanced compressed sensing autofocus for high-resolution airborne synthetic aperture radar 10.1016/j.dsp.2022.103543 1401 04 Journal
A New Code for Encoding All Monotone Sources With a Fixed Large Alphabet Size 10.1109/TIT.2020.2965821 1398 12 Journal
A General Model for EV Drivers' Charging Behavior NULL 1398 05 Journal
On the Convergence Properties of Autonomous Demand Side Management Algorithms NULL 1397 08 Journal
Billing Mechanism Design in an Autonomous Demand Side Management in a Smart Distribution Network 1396 02 Conference بيست وپنجمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
ترغيب مشتركين به كاهش خطاي پيش بيني مصرف در برنامه هاي مديريت خودگردان سمت تقاضا در شبكه هوشمند 1394 10 Conference كنفرانس شبكه هاي هوشمند 94
Huffman Redundancy for Large Alphabet Sources NULL 1393 01 Journal
On the Structure of the Minimum Average Redundancy Code for Monotone Sources NULL 1393 01 Journal
Achieving Optimality and Fairness in Autonomous Demand Response Benchmarks and Billing Mechanisms NULL 1392 03 Journal
Autonomous Demand Response in Heterogeneous Smart Grid Topologies 1391 12 Conference Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT)
How Suboptimal is the Shannon Code NULL 1391 10 Journal
Tackling Co-existence and Fairness Challenges in Autonomous Demand Side Management 1391 09 Conference Global Communications Conference